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US v Europe – the Divergence

QUESTION: Dear Martin I hope your well and having a good 2015 thus far. I don’t know whether you planned it but after your post regarding people trying to pass your work off as their own a funny thing happened. I was at a luncheon in London with some so called “important” and knowledgeable figures. The […]

Analysis – NEVER Give Up

QUESTION: Hi Marty,   The unbelievable amounts of research you have done and the knowledge you impart on your blog is just amazing, and is what inspired me to start trying to analyse markets and make forecasts of my own. Your personal grasp of the big picture and the computer system you have subsequently designed […]

Comment from a Reader & Manipulations

I have received a lot of emails of support ever since the gold promoters once again try to slander me to prevent people from listening to any view other than that presented by them. The most abusive promoters who will never say sell act the same as government and the bankers. It is just that […]

UK & Swiss Markets v Euroland

  The London FTSE is closer to the USA in pattern than the rest of Europe. We see a consolidation pattern crawling along resistance levels. Our Energy models are showing it is running into resistance short-term, but we are not yet and the culmination of the trend.   When we look at the European major […]

Gold Made it Cycle Inversion – It is What it Is

QUESTION: I do not know what is the accuracy of your model for the long term. If I’m correct, your model functions “like” the weather forecasting models, every new information is integrated to refine the results. My question is, it is possible that the real move for gold only became possible in 2017? If the value […]

A Question About Gold

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I “think” I am finally beginning to grasp some of what you have been preaching, but first allow me to say “thanks” for everything you do to help some of us understand what is unfolding all around us, and “how” everything is connected, and that nothing happens in isolation, again, “thanks” ! Also, […]

Ratio Analysis & the Other Side of 2015.75

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I find your unbiased view of gold refreshing. I agree waiting for 35 years is a tad too long. That is half your life if not more waiting for the chance you will be right. Now they are pointing to the Dow/Gold ratio arguing the Dow must crash to 10,000. This honestly […]

Right or Wrong – The Dark Side of Human Nature

I greatly appreciate the confidence saying I am newer wrong. But on an individual level, NOBODY can possibly be right all the time. This is why I try to emphasize that the numbers are the numbers and that all we can do is watch how everything unfolds. I have no personal vision of the future […]

The Bond Bubble – Confirmed

The BUBBLE for 2015,75 should be the bond market – not stocks. The capital flows should move into the typical flight to quality mode and drive rates even lower. This will set the stage for BIG BANG. To accomplish that, we should see the stock markets tread water, but not necessarily drive off the cliff. […]

Catalonians Still Vote in Spain for Independence

Brussels is going to have to send in tanks and wage war against the people of Europe to keep their bureaucratic jobs. Queues at the referendum on the independence of Catalonia from Spain have demonstrated that you can rule against the people to try to silence them, but that authoritarian rule of Brussels is starting […]