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Biden to Lockdown Entire USA Come February

COMMENT: Marty!! Right on time as you called another one right!  Be well my friend! Cheers, John   REPLY: Biden’s adviser already said the country should be locked-down. Sources already said Biden will lock down the entire country even by executive order come February. I have been warning this is not a simple Republican v Democratic […]

Election Fraud

The allegations of fraud are coming in from so many sectors concerning particularly Pennsylvania and Michigan. The Postal Worker who the Democrats claimed recanted his allegations of ballot tampering at the Post Office has provoked the worker to come out and deny that as just another lie. “I am right at this very moment looking […]

Even the British Press has Conspired to Support Communism 3.0 – Again!

I will cancel my subscript to the Economist. I use to respect that magazine, but no longer. The Economist has gone beyond fake news; they are deliberately now supporting Communism as the press did with Stalin. The British Press has turned to nothing but propaganda, and they too are doing everything they can to create […]

America’s Premier Pollsters are as Corrupt as Mainstream Media

The question you will never see asked in mainstream media is how can a computer, Socrates, call every election correctly when all the pollsters get it ALWAYS wrong? Mainstream media is so biased they will NEVER dare report that Socrates even exists. Why? Because they are on the payroll of this Great Reset just as […]

The Future with Many Doors Open

QUESTION: Dear Marty Those of us who can see are all tired of this. As it’s cyclical there’s not much we can do but warn others and hope a critical mass will arrive that can do something about it Are you doing projections for all countries to see if there are any safe havens also […]

Defending the Future

COMMENT: Dear Martin, I don’t know it anymore. My FEAR is back which a left behind me years ago. I’m not afraid of dying, I’m more afraid of living. I don’t know anymore what to hope or believe. …  Wow, every party just uses the same words and arguments for a better life for ALL….!! […]

The Voting Dead

The scheme to steal this election is off the charts. One guy in Florida was trying to vote for 400 dead people for Biden. In another case, absentee ballots were sent in with no return address postmarked from South Carolina try to vote for dead people. In both Michigan and Wisconsin, the election is being […]

Market Talk – November 4, 2020

ASIA: Chinese President Xi Jinping tried to re-assure international businesses that the nation is committed to open trade, amid concerns that the new ‘dual circulation’ strategy will mean the world’s second-largest economy is set to become more insular. Xi speech was closely watched, given the backdrop of the U.S. election result and the shock withdrawal […]

Ancient Coins Soaring in Price

This is historically perhaps the most important coin of the Roman Republic. It was estimated at £500,000 and it sold for £2,700,000 ($3.5 million). This is the famous coin which confirms the very day that they assassinated Julius Caesar — the Ides of March 15, 44BC. There are only three such gold coins known; one […]

Rockefeller Family Tells Banks to Stop Funding Fossil Fuels

These people are absolutely insane. They think they should stop all fossil fuel production now and leave cars stranded, people freeze in winter, and eliminate any way to distribute food. I suppose they will suddenly realize that there are not enough horses and wagons to bring food to them in New York City. There is […]