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Hoarding Dollars Report

The Democrats’ Impeachment is Unconstitutional

To achieve this impeachment, the Democrats ORDERED all Democrats “MUST” vote for impeachment even if they disagreed. This is clearly a total denial of the democratic foundation of the United States. We have people who run for office and tell you what they personally stand for. Then they get to Washington and the Party tells […]

The Cycle from Global to Regional Economies

QUESTION: Dear Sir, Following the decentralization and breaking downtrend in society (brexit, catalunia, EU and US probably in the future, etc), is there a chance to see that in consumers behaviour? Example: from individual small shops to malls and then online. Any possibility to see that inverse in the future? Thank you. SM ANSWER: This […]

Hoarding Cash

COMMENT: Marty, it seems like the world is always following you. Now the Wall Street Journal has come out and said that billions of dollars in cash are vanishing. They are always well behind you no matter who I read. All the best RH ANSWER: Yes, it is interesting. There seems to be a 6 […]

Will Store Gift Cards Become Cash?

QUESTION: Marty: In reading your blog about No Small Amount is Too Small, is it safe to say that the future of gift cards will be non-existent? Or will gift cards be the run-around? NO ANSWER: There seems to be a loophole right now with the gift cards. When I tried to buy an American […]

Global Cooling Warning to the President

On December 3, 1972, Brown University wrote to the president concerning the climate changing back to a potential Ice Age. Because our models have been divided by time, it is much easier to distinguish short-term changes in trend from the long-term. What is fascinating is that even a decade of rising temperatures leads people to […]

If Vaccines are Safe Why Did Congress Eliminate Your Right to Sue Pharmaceutical Companies?

COMMENT #1: Thank you so much for your blog on “Pharmaceutical Companies & Buying Immunity”. We are dealing with the same laws trying to be passed in Oregon. There is so much hatred towards those that don’t fully vaccinate in our society. My brother-in-law (who is a MD) and his family will not visit us […]

Market Talk – December 10, 2019

ASIA: The latest from the street is that US and China are planning to delay the expected rate hikes that are planned for the 15th of December. The initial report came from the WSJ, who quoted that trade negotiators close to the case are reporting a possible delay. However, there has been no official release from […]

The Killing Fields & Greenpeace’s Greta Thunberg

A reader reminded me that the leader of the Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot, embraced the same ideals we are listening to in the rising trend of socialism and climate change. Pot came to admire the tribes in Cambodia’s rural northeast. He saw these people were self-sufficient and lived on the goods they produced through subsistence […]

Climate Data in Australia is Being Altered

Comparing the raw data that was adjusted in Australia, what has emerged is part of the worldwide conspiracy to reduce population. The original data at 60 of the oldest sites across Australia illustrates that the number of very hot days (40 degree c/104 F) is no different today than it was about 100 years ago. These […]