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NATO the Greatest Threat to Civilization

COMMENT: Hi Marty, I wonder if the downside of the US occupation of Europe since WW2 and US subsidization of military aid has produced a culture of pacifism. Germany’s reluctance to supply tanks to Ukraine suggests other motives. The media focuses more on Russia and internal dissent against Putin. One reads about defections and men trying […]

Russia Prepared for NATO Invasion

The West has decided to turn this into an all-out war to completely destroy Russia once and for all. Moscow has been put on high alert and air defenses are being put up in every sector of the city. The hardliners are being heard and Putin has little choice at this point. It has become […]

The Coming Great Global Default

QUESTION: Dear Martin Could you please describe more in detail what you are expecting when talking about the breakdown of the monetary system? Will there be differences between countries like Germany and Switzerland for example? Especially regarding pension systems. I assume, there might be big differences between countries. Many thanks and best regards, R. ANSWER: […]

Why do Neocons Want War with Russia?

  Lindsey Graham is the twin brother of John McCain. I had asked John McCain once why he hated Russia so much. He never responded with any reason. It was always the same nonsense he always spread before Putin and after. It has baffled me as to what the difference is between Germany and Russia. […]

The Good News Nuclear War Will Save the Planet

Most of these people like Al Gore, Kerry, the mainstream media, Rhinos, democrats, and Bill Gates seem to actually believe in climate change for they are displaying the most stupid form of analysis invented by the lowest possible intelligence level of society. Hey, it’s warmer today than when I was a kid so we must […]

Market Talk – January 23, 2023

ASIA: China’s decision to reopen its economy will increase inflation in Europe as they both compete for more energy, the president of the European Central Bank said Friday. China’s reopening is “something that will be a positive for China mostly, something that will be a positive for the rest of the world, but we will […]

The Fallacy of the Petrodollar

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Great post on oil and gold. I never owned gold until about 20 years ago. I read about the gold bull of the 70’s and tales of gold mining stocks outperforming in the Great Depression decade. But I never bought into the hype until I started listening to these promoters later. It was […]

The Petrodollar – Another Fake News Invention?

  The entire theory of the Petrodollar dates back to the collapse of Bretton Woods and the subsequent oil embargo protesting US support for Israel and the price shock of raising prices. Those were the days when everyone was obsessed with gold and the whole idea of a floating currency that was popular to say […]

Why Would Poland Ever Support Ukraine?

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong. I am from Poland and I know the history and our differences with Russia, but in this war, I’m against Ukraine. They don’t even want to apologize for atrocities committed on civilians but want us to help them. The west of Ukraine was always Polish but in our mind, it no […]

Market Talk – January 20, 2023

ASIA:   China kept benchmark lending rates unchanged for a fifth month on Friday, as expected, but analysts say future cuts are possible as the central bank has pledged to support the COVID-ravaged economy. The one-year loan prime rate (LPR) – on which most new and outstanding loans are based – was left at 3.65%. […]