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Shadow Banking

The shadow banking system has expanded dramatically thanks to regulation. The term has been applied to the collection of non-bank financial intermediaries that provide services similar to traditional commercial banks. Bernanke provided a definition in April 2012: “Shadow banking, as usually defined, comprises a diverse set of institutions and markets that, collectively, carry out traditional banking […]

Downs on Negative Rates & the Fed

From Glen Downs on Capital Hill: “Marty,   Just to reinforce your analysis regarding the Fed possibly ceasing to pay interest on excess reserves; I am hearing from friends with close ties to the Fed and from friends on the Hill that individuals representing the TBTF banks are taking that possibility seriously.  In fact, there […]

Difference Between S&P & the Dow

QUESTION: Martin I  find it interesting how the ECM shows The DOW at three green largely pressing higher for daily. Weekly and monthly BUT the SP is turning red in daily and monthly Please Explain how the DOW can continue to press much higher as the SP Declines Regards, JCL ANSWER:  The answer is the market […]

SAC Hedge Fund Being Shut Down – Truth About Insider Trading

We have received many requests to bring on-line our computer analysis for US equities ASAP because of legal developments. SAC’s criminal guilty plea obtained by U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara of NYC was announced on Monday, is in addition to a $616 million settlement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. There is a new policy emerging […]

Gold – Down & Dirty

Gold is in a bearish trend. Despite everything the gold promoters have told you, gold just is not responding the way they have been predicting or should I say promoting. They do not take your economic survivability seriously. It is just like the Bible says – there is a time and place for everything. Mining […]

Another Debt Showdown coming in Washington next year? Don’t bet on it.

Contributed by Glen Downs; From Capital Hill Now that the federal debt and spending cans have been kicked down the road until after the first of the year, a number of people have contacted me to see if the recent showdown will be repeated when the next days of reckoning occur. In this case, while […]

Dow Closed at 15570 – Not in Take-Off Mode Just Yet

The Dow Jones closed last week above 15438 settling at 15570 but not yet above 15679. This suggests we should press a bit higher, but we are not in take-off mode just yet. Nevertheless, we should press high into this week where we may see the intraday high or the highest weekly closing.  

Dow Update

The US Share Market has a turning point in November so we could get a temporary high with a retest of support followed by a breakout to new highs thereafter again. The Jan/Feb period is showing already and the debt ceiling issue will come up once again. Our computer is starting to show a bit […]

The Hunt for Whatever is not Nailed Down

QUESTION: “If the new reserve currency that will emerge will be electronic, and no gold standard is possible, why will governments confiscate gold? If the great deflation strikes after 2015.75 all assets can go down a lot in value, so is not good to hoard cash, common u$s bills at your home, or will cash […]

Largest FX Hedge Fund Closing Down

FX Concepts was once the largest currency hedge fund in the world. It has now announced that it too is shutting down faced with poor performance and massive withdrawals of investment. They have announced that the asset levels have declined and are no longer viable to sustain a business. As the G20 gears up to […]