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Trading Reversals in Reverse

Trading is something you have to develop a "feel" for. The only way to do that is with experience. The object of our modeling is to place the entire world before you. Once you become familiar with how to use the model, you will be able to look at any market and ascertain its direction based upon experience with the model in other markets.

The World View

The year 2015 was 13 years up from the 2002 low in the stock market following the DOT.COM bubble. That low was rather significant for many markets have yet to exceed that 2000 nominal high, such as in France. This has warned, as was the case in gold from 2011, that a correction became possible. […]

Blending Time, Price, and Pattern Recognition

Professional Analysis vs. a Fool’s Game The way people try to judge one analyst against another is like saying, “Oh, he is right and someone else is wrong.” That is unprofessional because OPINION is irrelevant and NO ONE can be correct all the time. It is humanly impossible to forecast the future based upon what someone “thinks” will or will not […]

The Insanity of Government & Socialism

I have warned that government expansion reduces economic growth and acts like a black hole that sucks in more and more wealth, thereby reducing economic expansion. If the government keeps growing, ultimately we will end up with 100% government consumption or the equivalent of communism. We should be standing on our soapboxes in the tradition of […]

The Sling Shot Move — How Long Would it Last?

QUESTION:  Hi Martin…can you explain more what you meant but what you said below? Does this mean a long correction that will last thru out this year or longer? or will it just be thru march ..then bottom and head back up thru 2017..? Confused here…what is the …extension mean exactly? Is that an uptrend […]

Looking for Sanity in an Insane World

Why has China become so important? Largely because global investors are in this transition mode and do not understand how or why the foundation of everything is changing beneath them. The market turmoil in China spread around the world on Thursday as global investors took their lead from China as a contagion unfolded with no real understanding. […]

2015.75: The Start of Sovereign Debt Crisis

We warned that 2015.75 was the turning point to the start of BIG BANG. As we now have entered the down wave on the Economic Confidence Model, things will begin to heat up. I have warned that our current crisis in 2016 has been created by the total mismanagement of government by politicians. This year […]

The Big Short

QUESTION: Marty; I am curious what you thought of the Big Short especially since you are the one who got the timing right to the day. In markets, I do not have to tell you that being too early is more dangerous than being too late. Since that fateful day on the floor when the […]

Is the Recession Starting?

The ISM purchasing managers’ index for the manufacturing sector in December 2015 in the USA has plummeted to its lowest level since June of 2009. This warns that the U.S. economy is entering a recession that is in line with the forecast of the ECM and the rise in the dollar. However, keep in mind […]

Rising Separatist Movement in Corsica & Riots Against Muslims

For the last several year, the youth in Corsica have been clashing with police in a separatist protest. This is the youth uprising — the lost generation that socialism has turned into economic slaves. Some 500 young people responded to the call for independence from France. This is a rapidly building movement, especially since the War Cycle […]