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What About Central Banks & Gold?

Question: What about central banks manipulating gold? Answer: The incentive of government to “suppress” gold is far more realistic than private trading banks that simply look to make a quick buck. Government can try to maintain an image. Paul Volcker when he became Fed Chairman was faced with gold going to $875 into January 21st, […]

Markets Dow & Gold

The Dow rallied for the normal bull count of 11 days reaching 14475.40. A closing below 14333 will signal a pause and a close below 14218 should signal a retest of the mid 13,000 level. Gold needs a closing above 1588 to signal a pause in trend for now. The low on this move came […]

More Gold Questions

Question: I understand that inflation is really the reduction in purchasing power of the $. Can you expand on your statement “Our computer is bullish long-term because gold will play catch up as all commodities tend to do. It will blast off like a rocket ONLY when everything is set.” Specifically, “when everything is SET”.  What does […]

Interesting Questions for Gold

Question: Yet, in the meantime, should inflation surface, say in the latter part of the decade, (before a total collapse), wouldn’t gold be the place to be?  Or perhaps I should phrase the question “will inflation precede a total collapse?” Inflation is typically defined as the rise in prices of goods and services. This is […]

February Record Sales of Gold from Funds

The Exchange Traded Funds were dumping gold significantly with the largest outflow to date. This is good for reducing the long-positions opens the door to future buyers. Just holding and never selling is what the Japanese did and we see what that has produced. Those who only advocate buying are not analysts. Anyone can always […]

Gold Backwardation – The Real Story

The Gold backwardation has been distorted as all sorts of reasons for everything. Normally, this is the market condition wherein the price of a forward or futures contract is trading below the expected spot price at contract maturity. Consequently, the resulting futures or forward curve is “inverted” whereby it is negative because gold is trading […]

I Just Don’t Get the Goldbugs

I was one of the three largest wholesale gold dealers going into 1980. I wrote the law making gold not taxable for the State of New Jersey stating it would not be taxed unless “converted to use” only to have the bureaucrats change that saying it was taxable because it was an “investment use” and […]

Gold – Sell – Buy – Hold?

Everything as far as strategy is concerned depends upon your position. Those who have physical coin it is more difficult to sell and buy than to hold. Traders must go with the trend. If you have tons of physical, then you should be a hedger. Gold has not BROKEN yet. It is in serious trouble […]

Gold Sales 10 Tons per Day

The hate mail from die-hard Goldbugs is just endless. People seem compelled to always blame someone else for their own misguided ideas. I have said it plenty of times, between 1970 and 1974 gold rallied from $34 to about $200 on the whole theory of inflation, fiat money, we just abandoned the gold standard in […]

Gold & The Monthly Closing

  Gold closed on the monthly level at 1580.2 bearish short-term yet still neutral on the intermediate term where support still lies at 14270. Resistance during March will come down to 16380 followed by 16875 and 17225. May remains the next big target in time. The oscillators on the monthly level have now turned negative. […]