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9th Circuit Rules Against Trump? Really?

The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled to continue blocking enforcement of President Trump ’s travel ban. They did NOT strike it down. This is a procedural order granting a STAY until all the ramifications are decided. The unanimous decision of the Court of Appeals simply means that a stay preventing a ban […]

Eastern Europe & World War III

  Europe could become the site of a new global war in the East as tensions build there against refugees and the economic decline fosters old wounds. The EU is deeply divided over the refugee issue and thus it is fueling its own demise and has failed to be a stabilizing force. After five days of […]

Comments from San Francisco

COMMENT: Hi Marty, I am in San Francisco (though trying to move out)….and attended WEC Orlando. In reading the blog recently there is a lot of talk about Civil War and the US breaking up. I have to tell you that the election in San Francisco was pretty much devoid of Clinton or Trump signs anywhere. There […]

Is Christianity in Decline?

Pope Francis is rather concerned about what he calls a “hemorrhage” of priests and nuns from the Catholic church. Indeed, the loss of clergy is weakening the church over the past decades. The Pope commented on how nuns and priests have just quit claiming that modern society discourages lifelong commitments as in the soaring divorce rate. […]

CALPERS Trying to Cover-Up Leaks of their Mismanagement

Here is a board meeting of CALPERS illustrating that (1) the majority of the board is totally without any experience in financial markets and (2) they are trying to throw off the board anyone who points out they are in trouble. Pension funds on average need 8% to break even. You will hear in this discussion […]

California Dreaming

COMMENT: Sir, Thanks for all you do. As you have been teaching, do the math. What would be the financial implications of CALIEXIT be? In other words , how much would the rest of the country save if we voted California off the island?  You have already enlightened us to the fact that they asked behind […]

California files Petition to Secede from USA – CALEXIT

A proposal for California to secede from the United States was actually submitted to the Secretary of State’s Office this week. The proposed “CALEXIT” proposition plans to ask voters to repeal part of the state constitution that declares California an inseparable part of the USA. Recent polls found that one in three California residents want to […]

Refugees Gang Rape Swedish Girl & Broadcast on Facebook

Many people in the United States are outraged that Trump is requiring people from certain Muslim countries to be cleared before entry. Yet, these people are clueless. Even Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright who wants to defend immigration fails to get the issue. In Sweden, three refugees gang raped a girl for three hours […]

Trump Keeping His Campaign Promises

About 75% of everything Obama did was by Executive Order bypassing Congress. That means that the next president can easily undo 75% of what Obama did by Executive Order.  On Monday, Trump signed an executive order formally withdrawing the United States from the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal keeping his promise from his campaign last year. Trump […]

Deep State Told Obama to Prevent Trump from Ending Cold War with Russia

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Why do you defend Russia when they obviously tried to influence the election to defeat Hillary? You seem to be biased on this issue. Let me see you answer this one. ANSWER: You must enjoy just accepting whatever the media feeds you. The Obama Administration has deliberately created a cold war with Russia […]