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Should The US Invade Melbourne Australia to Restore Human Rights Like Iraq?   How will the markets handle what lies ahead is very interesting. Historically capital will ALWAYS flee from tyranny. The markets may appear to be disconnected, but they are clearly beginning to weight the changing tide of freedom which is so essential to how and why we invest our capital. Governments have violated the […]

Market Talk – August 6, 2020

  ASIA: China’s economic growth indicators are lopsided, pointing to possible downside risks for the country in the second half of 2020 as it tries to recover from the coronavirus pandemic, an analyst said Thursday. Recent data showed China’s June retail sales fell 1.8% from a year ago, much worse than the 0.3% growth analysts […]

Market Talk – August 5, 2020

    ASIA: Senior US and Chinese officials will review the implementation of their Phase 1 trade deal and likely air mutual grievances in an increasingly tense relationship during an August 15 video conference, two people familiar with the plans said. US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He, the principal negotiators […]

Is the Dollar Overvalued or Undervalued?

The latest claim running around is that the dollar is overvalued relevant to its trading partners, and it will decline as the economy recovers due to imports. You really have to wonder if these analysts are just working from home and have lost all sense of the world because they are locked down. In that […]

Why MMT is Governments’ Option of Choice

We have reached the point of no return. Governments will find it IMPOSSIBLE to constantly roll their national debts as we enter 2021. Any attempt at paying down the public debt or moving into surplus would be catastrophic and undermine the entire world economy. Who are we kidding? The tax burden on each generation will […]

Nobody Will Accept the 2020 Election Result

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Socrates deserves a Nobel Prize for it is the only thing to forecast so many trends correctly. Now the news is that Trump may not accept the election results. I have followed you for years. You are certainly not one of these people who make one forecast and run ads as the […]

More COMMENTS From Texas

COMMENT: Hi Marty,’ Read the post about Texas and it’s near and dear to my heart because I live in a Dallas suburb. I have followed the Agenda for over a decade as our city has paid dues and participated in the formation of the non-profit NGO’s, one being the NTx COG (Council of governments). […]

Comment from Texas – The End Result

COMMENT: Martin, There was an emergency virtual meeting of the Texas Republican Executive Committee last night after Governor Abbott signed an executive order requiring masks and social distancing, and banning assemblies of more than 10 people. After nearly three hours of babbling, someone finally called the question, and the executive committee voted to hold the convention […]

Lockdowns Have Pushed Government Pensions Over the Edge

COMMENT: Facing a vicious circle of conflicting demands and priorities, the California Public Employees Retirement System is turning to debt – a risky scheme to borrow billions of dollars in hopes of juicing its investment returns. The California Public Employees Retirement System, the nation’s largest pension trust, benefited greatly from the runup in stocks and […]

Europe & Coming Capital Controls

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, In your blog on ECB vs Fed, you stated in your conclusion; “The ECB is trapped. It cannot raise rates to raise money and it has destroyed its bond market. The only way out is to default on all debt and they will do that by declaring it to be now […]