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Interest Rates Starting to Soar Even in Europe

  Too many people are simply confused by the talking heads on TV who honestly cannot articulate anything that is real in the analytic world. So many people commented that demand should collapse for real estate with the first uptick in rates and that we were dead wrong. The average person is not that stupid. […]

Merkel Becoming Euro-Skeptic

Last year, the German chancellor Merkel was calling for “more Europe, not less.” She was behind the idea of federalizing Europe handing more power to Brussels. But as the economy turns down, European Integration is rapidly fading and now even Merkel is bending to the political trend of the rising EU-skeptic movement.

Euro – Weekly Outlook

The next key weekly target for a turning point will be the week of June 17th. This Friday, a closing BELOW 13133 will warn that the euro is starting to weaken once again after this short-cover rally. The key support remains 12137 and this is where a weekly closing beneath this level will signal the […]

Euro Forecast

The Euro made its new high today on the 17.2 frequency. We did not exceed the key resistance and if we now close lower, we should see a retest of support. A closing below 13180 will confirm a sell signal. The market volatility began on target so now watch the closing. Going into next week, […]

German High Court Introducing More Euro Chaos

Germany is obsessed with hyperinflation just as the US is obsessed with reliving the Great Depression. Neither one even understands their own history. This interesting aspect is that despite all the press at the time, FDR did not follow the austerity advice of his Brains Trust who were lawyers. It was George Warren who saved […]

US Politicians Out of Touch with Reality – Euro Rally

The outrage of the US sucking up everything and storing it is classic George Orwell. The Republican leader is also a disgrace. This is how stupid he is calling Snowden a Traitor. He was outraged by the Obama Administration going after the AP and having the IRS target the tea party. But when it comes […]

France Declares Victory Over Entire Eurozone Crisis

Hollande is truly a legend in his own mind. This above all demonstrates that we are dealing with politicians everywhere who are clinging to old ideas and are totally disconnected from the shifting sands within the economy. They still think they have to support debt investors and are oblivious to the social changes and damage. […]

Freedom to Travel in Europe Shutting Down

The freedom to travel in the European Union that was to be the cornerstone of the whole issue behind the Euro is now being shut-down. The EU Member States are now allowed to reintroduce border controls at will. This is all the result of what I have reported that apartments in Germany were almost all sold out […]

Cultural Assimilation – Europe’s Internal Crisis

The liberals of Europe do not understand that you cannot make everything “fair” in this world. I was in London and received a phone call from one of the big telecommunication clients we had in Europe. I was asked to fly over for a urgent board meeting in the morning in Germany. I had no […]

France is Leading the Charge to Seize All of Europe

Hollande of France is seeking to federalize all of Europe forcing a new socialization of Communist agenda. He sees no use for the Free Markets and is trying to sell this idea to Europe. In his mind, if he can prevent people from fleeing his insane ideas, he will win. Italy is starting to now […]