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Market Talk – March 17, 2022

ASIA: Indian banks may face some headwinds from the Russia-Ukraine crisis, which could lead to higher inflation and some stress for borrowers, S&P Global Ratings analyst informed. Indian banks’ direct exposure to Russia and Ukraine is limited, and the direct impact from the conflict is likely to be marginal, S&P analysts said. Gross non-performing assets […]

The Scheme behind the Great Reset

As the press covered Zelnensky’s professional speech carried out by his acting training, he continued to try to pull on the heartstrings of the American people to further the hatred of Putin and to wage World War III. He knows what he is asking for and he is not stupid. Zelensky said on March 16 […]

Market Talk – March 16, 2022

ASIA: Singapore’s economy might be less directly impacted by the war in Ukraine or the sanctions on Russia, but a potential hit to global growth and rising inflation can eventually put a dent on its economic outlook. Russia represents a rather small share of global gross domestic product (GDP) at about 1.6 per cent, and it […]

Market Talk – March 15, 2022

ASIA: India will issue at least 240 billion rupees ($3.3 billion) in sovereign green bonds as the country marks a shift towards a low-carbon economy, Reuters reported. The debut sale may take place in the first half of the fiscal year that starts on April 1, and a decision to sell more green debt will depend […]

The Insanity of the Biden Administration – Decline & Fall of the West

The Biden Administration has been fully subordinated to the Great Reset. It is highly debatable if Joe is really doing anything. During an international crisis, he still takes off weekends and heads to Delaware. Gee, perhaps I should run for President and get weekends off instead of having to work 7 days a week during […]

Did Manchin Just Save the Federal Reserve?

Once again Joe Manchin has broken away from party lines to prevent the Democrats from destroying the global economy. Manchin announced that he would not support President Biden’s pick for Fed chair, Sarah Bloom Raskin, as her personal views on climate change could drastically alter Fed policy. “I have carefully reviewed Sarah Bloom Raskin’s qualifications […]

Market Talk – March 14, 2022

ASIA: Japanese authorities ordered crypto exchanges on Monday not to process transactions involving crypto assets subject to asset-freeze sanctions against Russia and Belarus over the war in Ukraine. The Japanese government will strengthen measures against the transfer of funds using crypto assets that would violate the sanctions, the FSA and the Ministry of Finance said […]

US & its Secret Biological Weapons Labs & Neocons

  There are Biolabs in Ukraine funded by the US. There was never any real question if they existed or not. The rumor two days after the Russian invasion began, the claim was that Russia was targeting them for destruction. I wrote on February 26, 2022, that such a rumor was false and I pointed […]

Trying to Figure Out Why the World is So Precise

  QUESTION #1: Marty; Long-time reader, pro member. First of all, thank you for confirming suspicions from my youth that there are cycles everywhere and for expanding the ideas enabling me to see that everything is connected. I agree w/ you that the financial center of the world is headed back to China. My question, […]

New Interview: Insane Globalists Collapsing World Economy

  Click here to watch Martin Armstrong’s latest interview with Greg Hunter from USAWatchdog. A message from Greg Hunter: In his interview just two weeks ago, legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said, The New World Order’s so-called ‘Great Reset’ plan for humanity is ‘falling apart,’ and pointed out, “They are basically […]