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Politics: Trends Begin in Europe Like Fashion

  The major underlying trend worldwide is (1) whoever was in is now out, and (2) people will always turn against immigrants when the economy turns south. In Switzerland, we saw a turn to the right away from immigration. This will be the trend to emerge throughout Europe, especially in Germany. Canada turned left against […]

Canadian Election: “Sunny ways my friends. Sunny ways.”

The Canadian elections are on par with the world trend – whoever is in office, throw the bums out. The election took place on Monday, October 19, the anniversary of the 1987 stock market crash. The Liberals in Canada toppled the Conservatives as many Canadians saw their Head of State, Mr. Harper, as a dictatorial heavy-handed […]

Swiss Elections Turn Right

The SVP won the elections in Switzerland, moving the nation a bit to the right and anti-immigration. This is becoming a global trend that we are monitoring in every country around the world. As the economy turns down, domestic populations ALWAYS turn against immigrants no matter what country it is. The Swiss are no different.

Market Talk – October 19, 2015

The economic data released from China earlier this morning has been the most talked about economic topic across almost every trading desk today. China’s Q3 GDP resulted in a small beat at 6.9% (expected 6.8%), and the September Retail Sales also slightly better at 10.9% (expected 10.8%) and then finally September Industrial Production released 5.7% against an estimated 6.0% expectation. All rather disappointing really – well, as […]

Socialism v Capitalism

The debate for socialism is simply that they regard it as unfair when anyone has more than another does. The solution is always to rob someone else to improve your own life. If you take this philosophy as your own, then you rob others because they have more, which is no different than robbing someone […]

Democratic Debate: Hillary Made Student Loans Non-Dischargeable in Bankruptcy & Bernie Wants More Taxes

QUESTION: Marty, any comment on the Democratic debate? ANSWER: The debate was boring, pandering, with no vision or reality! Everyone said Hillary won. Bernie Sanders is a fool and wants to make everything free at the expense of the 1%, as if they could fund the entire government and population. When I was in Vermont for the TED […]

Clinton Made Student Loans Non-Discharable

The two major acts that the Clintons did perpetrate, which have set in motion our greatest crisis were (1) they repealed Glass-Steagall allowing banks to go nuts and return to proprietary trading of the 1920s at the direction of Robert Rubin of Goldman Sachs, and (2) they gave the banks absolute dominion over students by […]

Commodities Still Contracting

Mitsui & Co Precious Metals Inc is closing down its NY and London operations as losses mount. In New York, their operation was rather small with about 30 people, and their annual revenues were a little over $3 million. The company was formed only in 2005 and has not handled the bear market since 2011 […]

Refusal to Publish Research that Shows Anti Man-Made Climate Change

Whenever someone discovers something that contradicts established academia, their findings are suppressed. This is true in economics, earth sciences, and even archaeology. Heinrich Schliemann discovered Troy and most of the ancient cities because he believed that Homer was history when academics declared it a story for children without proving that conclusion. There are countless objects in […]

Market Talk – October 15th, 2015

Strong equity rallies all across the globe today with most markets returning between 1.5 and 2.5%. In Europe it took time for both the FTSE and CAC to follow suit but by the end of the day made Europe a clean-sweep. The US markets performed well especially after FED comments. There is growing speculation that the FED […]