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Putin Explains Who Created ISIS and Gives His View on Syria

Putin has revealed that he is far more intelligent than the Western media likes to portray him. Putin has pointed out that during the last two World Wars, Russia was one of the allies of the United States. Yes, Russia turned communist and was reluctantly one of the allies during World War II, but that […]

2017 – the Political Year from HELL?

Nicolas Sarkozy is recognized by the French parties on both the right and the left as a very skilled politician. Sarkozy was the president of France from May 2007 until May 2012 when he was by the socialist Hollande. Well, Sarkozy is back. Friends of his are shuffling the press, putting their own people in, and replacing managers […]

Market Talk – October 14, 2015

Globally, it has not been a pretty day for equities. Asia and U.S. indices are down with the worst being the Nikkei (off 2%) and that carried into the U.S. session losing another 1%. It appears the world has finally awoken to the fact that the economy is on life support with little to no sign of a recovery anytime soon. Today’s sell-off […]

Gold – Interest Rates – Rally

QUESTION: Will higher interest rates hurt gold if they reflect demand for money and inflation? ANSWER: Analysts have said that higher interest rates would hurt gold because gold does not pay interest, making it a less attractive investment. This just does not stack up. Rates rose into 1981 and gold rose into 1980. The exponential […]

Silver Rally & Gold Decline?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; there are claims that silver is in short supply and since the prices are low that proves it is a manipulation. This seems to be the same constant theme to sell metals yet at the same time they are saying it is manipulated so why bother? Can you shed any light on […]

Australia’s New PM: Ex-CEO of Goldman Sachs

Australia’s new Prime Minister Malcolm Bligh Turnbull was managing director of Goldman Sachs Australia (1997–2001) and a partner with Goldman Sachs and Co. (1998–2001). In May 2002, Turnbull appeared before the Insurance Commission and was questioned on Goldman Sachs’s involvement in the possible privatization of one of the acquisitions of the collapsed insurance company. So while people make up wild […]

Market Talk – October 13, 2015

The import numbers released from China early this morning was the last thing the commodity based countries wanted to see, especially after having found some decent optimism in recent trading. The Nikkei suffered the most, losing 1.1% on the day, and that carried forward into late U.S. trading where the futures are currently down a further 0.95%. […]

China Still Heading Lower

The latest economic news from China shows that, in dollar terms, imports collapsed 20.4% in September from a year earlier to $145.2bn. This is one of the sharpest declines ever, and it is far beyond what was expected. This has had a further impact upon the raw commodity sector and metals. This latest drop in Chinese imports was down […]

IMF Warns That We Have a New Crisis Coming

  QUESTION: Marty; You mentioned that you met with a board member of the IMF. It certainly seems you are having a much larger impact than you may realize. The IMF is now warning of a crash. Do you think you can help reverse the trend if given the chance? Thank you for caring BG […]

Austerity: Good or Bad?

QUESTION: Martin, The ‘Austerity’ argument seems a bit confusing. Surely,  “Austerity” means reducing the size of Government and is an understanding that we can’t keep funding zillions of civil/public servants and on the other is a reduction of the Social Security Bill – healthcare, social benefits, the cost of the un and underemployed etc – both […]