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Expect Riots & Rise of Nationalism After 2015.75 To Pick Up Steam

Politicians are preparing for the worse everywhere you look. We forget so quickly that the American Revolution slogan was what – No Taxation Without Representation. Germany will not allow democratic referendums precisely the same move of King George III that set off the American Revolution, Homeland Security bought 2715 tanks for domestic use and enough […]

China’s Reform Push for 2020

China has vowed to push toward free markets and to allow them to take a more dominant role in developing the economy – its reform for 2020. When I was invited by the Central Bank of China back in 1997 and was given a tour of a major facility where they were monitoring everything that […]

Merkel rejects referendums in Germany

The Crisis in DEMOCRACY Continues. The European politicians are scared to death to allow citizens to votes. Angela Merkel has rejected any more direct referendums in Germany. Merkel is outright against any further democracy in Europe. This is the real reality. The end of democratic processes that goes hand in hand with the final stages of […]

France Economic Numbers Show Decline 3rd Quarter

The Socialists just cannot get past being angry that someone else has more than they do. Unfortunately, all they think about is how to take the money of anyone who produces to hand it to those who do not.They cannot understand how the economy then declines under this policy. Someone who wins the lottery and […]

Gold & the 1974 Memo

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for your valued forecasting and the clarity that you add to deciphering the cyclical nature of those things which govern our world. I am always amused by the arguments surrounding GOLD raised here and on other sites. I tend to hold around 10% of my portfolio in precious metals and […]

Keynesianism – Monetarism

COMMENT: Dear Martin Armstrong, Being a fund manager and with several bigger and commercial clients a commodity hedger, I truly admire your work. Not only that, our research, even by other methodology foremost pattern recognition and cross pattern recognition and liquidity flow detection – comes to very similar results as your calls, but we do […]

Deflation – The Great Equalizer – Now Greece? Was There a Different TESTED Response in History? YES!

Deflation remains a mystery for many because they just cannot grasp the fact that money supply can increase while prices decline. Their heads begin to spin around and they spit out green pea soup because it is not supposed to happen in their mind. During deflationary trends, money supply can still increase but the contraction […]

Saudi Arabia – Behind the Veil

It is becoming more apparent to the world that indeed it was Saudi Arabia behind the Syria event and now they are pissed-off at the US for not invading so they get their pipeline. Oil has been used as a political weapon, but as the US is emerging as energy self-sufficient, the power the Saudi’s […]

The Shift from Bonds to Stocks

PIMCO lost the mantle of the largest fund as capital withdrawals reached $38 billion this year as money moves to equities. The largest fund is now Vanguard. This is part of the cycle shift. While there is likely coming a near-term correction, everything is still pointing to capital flight from bonds and banks into equities. […]

Global Market Watch for Nov 6th, 2013

  Covering Eastern & Western Europe – Middle East – North & South America – North & South East Asia – India The Most Comprehensive Forecasting Organization in the World (How to Use the Global Market Watch)   World Share Markets STKPGSO 11-6-2013 World FOREX Markets FXPGSO 11-6-2013 World Bond Markets UBPGSO 11-6-2013 World Metals Markets METPGSO 11-6-2013 World […]