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U.S. Shares & Slingshot Move

The potential for a slingshot move has not been negated. To negate a slingshot, we need a daily closing in the Dow above 17735. If we have the slingshot and trap the majority, then we should see this rally fail and new lows by the first quarter. Can we merely go into a Phase Transition […]

Malaysia, Goldman Sachs, and the ECM Turning Point

Malaysia is becoming the poster-child for the crisis in emerging markets. The rising tensions between the people and government are clearly demonstrated by this story developing within the emerging markets. In Malaysia, we hear the central bank is recommending criminal prosecution in connection with the controversial investment fund 1MDB, the BBC reported. 1MDB was a sovereign wealth fund that was set up by Malaysian […]

Obfuscating Analysis

  COMMENT #1: I have watched the plagiarism going on around your work where people are clearly stealing everything from you and then claiming to have the same track record and then trying to cover it up claiming they use Dewey and Kondratiff yet attempt to come up with a specific date as your model […]

European High Court Upholds Digital Privacy

The European Court of Justice struck down the treaty that allowed U.S. companies to send data on Europeans to America, reported the Telegraph. Facebook, Google, and many other U.S. companies can now be barred from transferring private information to the U.S. if it concerns European citizens. The high court has struck down a 15-year-old data […]

Merkel & the Fate of Germany

COMMENT:  Dear Marty, You are spot on: something big is happening in Germany at this very moment – just look at today’s headlines from Widerstand in der CDU gegen Merkels Einwanderungsgesetz = party internal opposition towards Merkel’s immigration policy Bundesregierung und EU-Kommission erwägen “Flüchtlings-Soli” = German Government mulls introduction of special migrants tax (Solidarity tax…..yeah….nice […]

Immigration During an Economic Decline Is Insane!

According to the BBC, the German government has admitted that there have been almost 500 attacks on homes intended for asylum seekers this year. Politicians are clueless when it comes to managing an economy. In the USA during the 1840s, in the middle of the State Sovereign Debt Crisis, gun battles took place in many […]

Republican Civil War: Country Club Republicans Threaten the Survival of the USA

Our computer has been projecting an emerging civil war within the Republican Party. A lot of e-mails have come in on this subject. Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s startling decision to pull out of the race for Speaker of the House of Representatives illustrates, quite openly, how the Republican Party is bitterly divided between hardcore conservatives and […]

Is Quantitative Easing the Same as Printing Money?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you for coming to Athens. After the presentation, there were so many questions that the moderator did not have time for. You answered some for the crowd afterwards that I had never heard anyone ever explain. You said Quantitative Easing was not money printing nor did it really increase the money […]

Market Talk – October 8, 2015

Asia was indifferent; Europe was small positive, but it was not until we saw the Fed minutes and McCarthy announcement did stocks decide to make a definite move higher. The Dow closed above 17k for the first time in a while, with the talk of no rate move (for 2015) and the likelihood of continued uncertainty. The Fed minutes […]

Central Banks Selling U.S. Treasuries As Fight Over Debt Looms

Central banks have been dumping U.S. Treasury bonds because of the debt ceiling problem. The Tea Party will shut down funding if they have their way. This situation illustrates the entire problem. The debt ceiling only ever rises. We will see a rise in taxation and this will help to collapse the U.S. economy and […]