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EU Commission Cuts its GDP Forecast to 1.1%

European Commission cuts its forecast for Eurozone GDP growth falling to 1.1% with slowdown in emerging markets cited as a key factor. These people cannot see that raising taxes and proposing taking 10% of everyone’s accounts is not DEFLATIONARY? This should be a case study for bread-dead thinking. There is just no rational explanation how people […]

Merkel Embracing IMF Plan to Seize 10% of All Assets

IMF compulsory levy plan will be the largest expropriation of assets in history. These people view your assets as theirs and the entire problem is they are lawyers who justify this in their mind based on the fact that you are merely an unsecured creditor. The EU Commission charged with creating the Euro took the […]

Saudi Arabia Accused of Instigating Chemical Attack in Syria

The Russian have come out and stated that the Saudi’s were behind the chemical attack in Syria to instigate the war. They want Syria gone so they can run their pipe line to Europe for natural gas.  

Global Market Watch Nov 5th, 2013

    Covering Eastern & Western Europe – Middle East – North & South America – North & South East Asia – India The Most Comprehensive Forecasting Organization in the World (How to Use the Global Market Watch)   World Share Markets STKPGSO 11-5-2013 World FOREX Markets FXPGSO 11-5-2013 World Bond Markets UBPGSO 11-5-2013 World Metals Markets METPGSO 11-5-2013 […]

Washington Maxim Number One & The Obamacare Disaster

Obama’s signature “achievement” is Obamacare and no matter how dysfunctional it is, the Democrats will never admit its failure and we will spend more and more money trying to hide the flaws. Obamacare is both incompetent and fraudulent for it has been marketed like any lawyer crafts disclosure with exceptions. Obama only promised you could […]

Dogs Sniffing Cash at Borders

COMMENT: Dear Martin, the information in your blog concerning the hunt for cash in Europe and changes to Swiss banking  laws were reported in the mainstream press today. See NY Times article featuring cash sniffing dogs at transportation centers in Europe. Keep up the great work! John From The New York Times: European Borders Tested as […]

China – Gold – Financial Capital of the World

QUESTION:  Martin…in your previous work, I had noticed that China was due to become the world’s new hegemon by 2015.75.  Several sources that I follow, one included below, indicates China’s voracious appetite for metal, something the west seems willing to accommodate at this point.  It seems the lower the price goes, the more China is willing […]

Global Market Watch – Nov 2nd, 2013

    Covering Eastern & Western Europe – Middle East – North & South America – North & South East Asia – India The Most Comprehensive Forecasting Organization in the World (How to Use the Global Market Watch)   World Share Markets STKPGSO 11-2-2013 World FOREX Markets FXPGSO 11-2-2013 World Bond Markets UBPGSO 11-2-2013 World Metals Markets METPGSO 11-2-2013 […]

Trying to Outlaw Speculation

In Switzerland, it is a far more democratic process than in the USA. You need 100,000 signatures to create a proposition to alter the Constitution that then is put to a general vote for the people. What is going on is that the Socialists have gathered about 130,000 signatures to ban speculation in commodities. We […]

John Kerry Admits Some NSA spying went Too Far

John Kerry admits that some NSA spying went TOO FAR as reported by the BBC. Kerry said he will work with Obama to “prevent” further inappropriate acts by the NSA. But what is also emerging in Asia is a rising protest that this has been a joint effort assisted by Australia and in Europe Britain. What […]