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Political Corruption – China Fires 900 Bureaucrats

  Behind the fall of Communism are some very interesting trends that are not understood very well in the West. The stark difference between Russia and China was the attitude toward the people. In Russia, Stalin was paranoid about what was in people’s minds. In China, it was the tall poppy syndrome – as long […]

So Smart – They Always Get it Wrong

QUESTION: Marty; Virtually every so-called analyst on TV has missed the US stock rally. When they asked … how does it feel that he missed the rally, he said he didn’t miss it because he was in a foreign market not US. Then he said once the Fed cuts off all of its QE stimulus the […]

Stock Market – Has the Bull Been Replace with the Pink Bunny?

QUESTION: Marty; I do find it curious how Barron’s quoted your forecast for new highs in 2011, and you seem to be the only person who was correct, yet they constantly turn to people who have never been right to talk bearishness about the market. You once wrote that the Wall Street Journal refused to […]

The Rise of Nationalism – Just Part of the Cycle

Last November I warned that as part of the cycle turning up in war and civil unrest in conjunction with the Sovereign Debt Crisis, we should Expect Riots & Rise of Nationalism After 2015.75 To Pick Up Steam. Because Greece is where this cycle began on the Pi turning point from the 2007.15 high in the […]

Putin One – Hillary ZERO

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in response to Hillary Clinton’s unproductive remarks comparing Putin to Hitler,  he slapped her down saying that “it’s best not to argue with women.” Putin simply dismissed Hillary’s comments concerning Russia’s actions in Ukraine. Putin’s remarks were made during an interview with France’s TF1 television and Europe 1 radio, during which […]

Six Governments Tapping Phones without any Legal Supervision

Six governments tap Vodafone calls without warrants or any court oversight according to the first global disclosure on the subject. Vodafone is in Europe, Africa and Asia, unlike Verizon, which is only in the USA. This disclosure is important for its demonstrates the lack of privacy on a grand scale. This is all about money […]

Was Socrates Surprised by Negative Rates?

QUESTION: Will you have to change your/Socrates opinion due to this extraordinary step? I please you to give as an idea, as Socrates seems to be currently not updated. ANSWER: We actually have a very comprehensive interest rate database. Above is a picture of world interest rates but based upon capital concentration back to 3000BC. That […]

Negative Interest Rates Coming to USA – But Wait! Banks or You?

QUESTION: Martin, Continued blessings for publishing your remarkable insights.  Will the banks pass on their negative interests rates to the depositors? What will be the effect of depositors removing their cash from the banks? Thanks M ANSWER: In the US, the talk behind the curtain is to impose negative interest rates on the consumer. Banks have […]

Cancelling of Notes – For the Record

To make it clear, people have a window to exchange the notes. No one loses money if they exchange the notes within that window. The reason behind this maneuver is to PREVENT people from hoarding cash tax-free. For the normal person having a reasonable amount of money, there is no problem provided you act within […]

Currency Inflation & What Does That Mean.

A number of questions have come in about the precious metals and real estate along side the stock market. Precious metals have their place. As long as you trade them and not turn them into some conspiracy, they are a tradable market and you can buy or sell. It is just when people preach nonsense […]