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German Industrial Production Collapses by 4%

The other side of 2015.75 is not going to be pretty. The German industrial production report dropped 4% from July to August versus an expected decline of 1.5%. This is a hugely alarming month-on-month drop, which happens to be the largest drop in the past five years. This new revelation is shocking since there was […]

“The Forecaster” Makes National News in France

The debut of “The Forecaster” made national news in France and the Finance Minister appeared on TV in response. The fascinating aspect of this entire exercise is expanding the knowledge and awareness that there is a business cycle, its duration, and that we are facing a Sovereign Debt Crisis. Raising awareness is the only reason why I […]

Hamburg Is First European City to Authorize the Seizure of Private Vacant Buildings to House Migrants

In response to the refugee crisis, the German city of Hamburg has enacted a new law that will enable the government to seize vacant commercial properties to provide temporary housing for refugees. The law will go into effect next and will last until March 2017. Despite the additional measures, many refugees will die of exposure […]

NATO Warns Russia to End Air Strikes

The BBC reported that NATO has issued a warning to Russia calling for an end to its air strikes that are targeting U.S. trained forces who have been trying to overthrow the Syrian government. Quite frankly, the U.S. policy to get rid of Assad because he is supported by Russia is absurd and seriously risks international war. Even if […]

Punic Wars & the Economic Confidence Model

QUESTION:  Mr Armstrong, How does the ECM stack up against The Punic Wars which left the victor, Rome,the Mediterranean superpower and on the road to Empire? Many thanks for sharing your historical knowledge. JR ANSWER: When I back tested the Economic Confidence Model, this frequency appeared over and over again throughout history in all cultures. […]

Global Warming & Climate Change: The Tax Agenda

In September, authorities banned cars from the streets of Paris in preparation for the 2015 Climate Change conference. Governments are behind the climate change propaganda because they want to introduce a per mile driven tax. A core group of academics is on board because the government pays them to put out studies to justify the […]

Did World War III Start on the Precise Day of the ECM?

Russia began bombing CIA-trained rebels in Syria precisely on the day of the turn in the Economic Confidence Model. As CNN pointed out, the bombing continues. Now, hundreds of Iranian troops have arrived in Syria to join a major ground offensive in support of President Bashar al-Assad’s government. Clearly, the civil war in Syria is escalating. We will see […]

Gold & Propaganda

QUESTION:  i read your latest piece on gold…..i see your rationale for inflation not causing gold to rise but rather an erosion in confidence of government so if i am reading you right you see a rise in gold in a semi-rapid fashion for the next few years as the confidence in government declines now […]

Gold — Money Supply — Media

QUESTION: Hello Martin, First let me say thank you for all that you do keeping us informed on the markets and geopolitical events. I’ve been an avid reader of yours for many years and especially your typed correspondence during the years of incarceration. My question pertains to today’s “Gold and Money Supply” article. Since gold will […]

The Jobs Number & Reality Check

The thinking that has emerged from the release of the job numbers is confusing to say the least. They lead to the assumption that the U.S. economy has downshifted for the last three consecutive months. However, the Fed will not move into QE mode as that has robbed them of their power to attempt to manipulate the […]