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The Peak in Government? A Low in Interest Rates?

We have warned that capital is in a flight to quality, therefore creating the bubble in government paper. We also warned that the bond market on the long-term peaked in April/May and that we should expect a further rally in the short-end. This significant move has unfolded right before our eyes. The fact that the bonds have […]

Democracy Is More Than A Right to Vote

The first thing government and the majority of academics try to hide is the business cycle for they argue only their policies will eliminate something that is part of nature. We must understand that the origin of all business cycles is humanity. I named one report which has become pretty famous “It’s Just Time” in […]

The ECM Turning Point — 2015.75 — the Start of a Trend Is Now

In Barcelona, many people asked if I thought the pro-independence parties in Spain’s Catalonia region would actually win. I told them it was inevitable as this is the global trend in motion. The vote for Catalonia is in and the separatists have won an absolute majority in regional elections. The separatist alliance and a smaller party […]

Ruling the World

QUESTION: Sir, Let’s assume a minute that all countries around the World (all Central Banks together) sit with you and say: Mr Martin, fine, you are absolutely right in your forecasts and now we are listening to you. What should we do to solve all our problems like debts, socialism, trades, etc and have a […]

North Atlantic Record Setting Cold Blob Emerges

The fascinating aspect of the environment is this unprecedented bias that somehow humankind has altered the climate. Why these scientists do not try to see if such a trend is natural and extends back before 1900 is just mind numbing. A record setting area of cold water was found in the North Atlantic, which has […]

Debt, Debt, & More Debt: 2015.75

The 1985 World Economic Conference Back in 1985, we warned that the Sovereign Debt Crisis would emerge on 2015.75. How was 2015.75 forecast so far back? This is pi; 31.4 years into this Private Wave which began on 1985.65. At the 1998 World Economic Conference, we put out this slide listing the sequence of events. […]

Secession in the Winds: Texas & Catalonia

Our Cycle of War uses the Wheeler Index. However, there were some major problems with overlooked key events. So we corrected the data and extended it for the period following his death. We then created a parallel index correlated to economics. The result was an apparent series of cycles and a correlation with the economy […]

Market Talk – September 25th, 2015

A weak session for Equities in Asia (Nikkei -2.7%), Europe (DAX -1.97%) and the US (DOW -0.5%)had Fund Managers searching for both answers and safe-havens. One market that benefited was the Bond Market with US Treasuries and Bunds both pushing yields back lower. The US 10yr managed a break below the 2.10% yield to a daily […]

Did Gold Survive the Depression?

Some people totally confuse gold and money. During the Great Depression, we were on a gold standard. During a decline, ALL assets will decline against whatever is money, just as money declines during a boom. You need to separate MONEY from gold or you will never understand how the economy functions and you will buy gold when you […]

The Battle of the Budget & the ECM: Sept. 30 – Oct. 1

There is a storm brewing over the potential government shutdown on September 30: the day of the ECM, 2015.75. The establishment Republicans are in a battle with the Tea Party Republicans who are demanding that legislation to keep the government open must also take away federal funding for Planned Parenthood. This is now a religious […]