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There is nothing new under the Sun. It has ALL been done Before

QUESTION: You mention the following comment recently. ”I am very concerned about are precious metals even going to be viable. Will this confiscation of wealth turn to those assets as well?”  Could you expand on this please. ANSWER: This is merely my personal observation. India has virtually stopped the buying of gold there driving it underground. Many are […]

Gold – Market Update

QUESTION: Lately, the goldbugs have been complaining about large sales driving the price of gold down.  Can you comment about the validity of their arguments? Thank you. Sincerely, -RM ANSWER: Gold was on schedule to decline. Even the oscillators are still negative. The fundamentals are gathered from time to time and selected to fit the […]

From Ireland – The Key to Everything

COMMENT:  Martin, Thank you for the laugh over your consoling words of “Cheer-up! We have a front row seat” in your bleak piece entitled, “The Elections for 2014 Are All About Creating a Dictatorship”. Talk about gallows humor! It reminded me of the story of a shopkeeper who had his store front damaged in a […]

IMF Wants To Strip the Rich of Wealth – Brilliant Marxist Organization

The Socialists are everywhere. Now the IMF has come out with the brilliant idea to tax the rich and target the multinational corporations to solve the budget deficits. These people simply belong in prison because they are far more dangerous to society than and rapist or armed robber. Their victims will be the entire society. […]

Gold Promoters Discover the World?

QUESTION: It seems some of the very people who use to interview you now suddenly pretend to be world analysts covering all markets. Everyone tries to mimic you yet ignore you. If people like this will not comprehend what you are doing, are they merely making the future much worse with their cheap imitation of […]

If This is Not DEFLATION – Nothing Is!

Now in the news there is discussion of a 10% seizure of ALL deposits in ALL of Europe to cover this failed experiment called the Euro. In the Greek newspaper HEMPHΣIA, they reported today on Sunday that the new deal to surface now that Merkel is in power will be the seizure of 10% of ALL deposits to go toward the Sovereign Debt […]

Largest FX Hedge Fund Closing Down

FX Concepts was once the largest currency hedge fund in the world. It has now announced that it too is shutting down faced with poor performance and massive withdrawals of investment. They have announced that the asset levels have declined and are no longer viable to sustain a business. As the G20 gears up to […]

Deflation + Inflation = Stagflation

QUESTION:  Hi Mr. Armstrong, Deflation has been described as a peacetime phenomenon. You say we are in a period of deflation and yet the world seems to be at anything but peace. If your war model turns up in 2014, do you expect inflation? Thanks MB ANSWER: The traditional concepts of DEFLATION and INFLATION are […]

Watch Nigel Farage – Britain’s Greatest Leader Since Maggie Thatcher

In Britain, you cannot get any more brain-dead than the Tories. They are doing a spectacular job at destroying the nation you wonder if they were not in secret league with the left – what the hell – the more chaos the more than can claim vote for them for change. Here too, the clear […]

Banks Manipulating Markets & the End of an Era

I have been warning that there has been a “Club” that has been targeting market after market to make a quick buck. The LIBOR Scandal has caused the tide to turn as well as having to bail out the banks in 2008 that has fundamentally altered the course of everything. Now the Swiss regulators said […]