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Tax & The Top 1% – Who Are They? – The Pending Sovereign Debt Big Bang

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and it’s great to see that not even little ole us in Canada escapes your reaches!  Not only is Premier Wynne changing the definition of the meaning of “rich” in Ontario, yesterday’s budget also proposes a forced government pension plan.  She is proposing withholding […]

Ukraine – The US & Russia Propaganda

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you so much for defending the people of Ukraine against those who claim we are just manipulated by the CIA. These people have no understanding of what we have gone through and for what so many have died for. You have been truly an inspiration to our desire to be free. […]

Reid’s Multinationals

  The corrupt Harry Reid has demanded that foreign entities must report on whatever any American does offshore. He has been supporting the hunting of small business and individuals while the multinational public corps remain outside his reach of FACTA. A wire of just $3,000 between individuals must be reported or confiscated. Multinational companies have […]

May Day in Turkey – Riots & Tear Gas

BBC is covering the May Day riots in Turkey where tear gas in the weapon of choice for now. If anyone question the rise in trend forecast by our Cycles of War, I do not know what planet they are hiding on.

Donetsk Falls to Pro-Russian Forces

Today, the Pro-Russian forces have seized the prosecutor’s office and all the police have surrendered. They have agreed to support Russia now so Donetsk is over. This is even reported now on BBC.

Are we Headed into Global Fascism?

Fascism has been a term applied to the manner of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator/bureaucracy that is unelected or a republic with pretend “lifetime” politicians,  controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government. Such systems have always placed the […]

US & German Involvement in Ukraine

COMMENT: Hi! You know you are brilliant and grasp many aspects correctly, well ahead of the curve. What’s more you stand by your conviction openly and that’s commendable. I recommended some of your latest short articles on Ukraine, but I would like to turn your attention to the different shades of pale there. You are right […]

Opinion & Speculation do not Cut It.

COMMENT: “You don’t consider all the possibilities. What if the USA has set in motion the revolution in Ukraine because they wanted and expected Russia to do exactly what Russia is doing. First the corruption of the prior President of Ukraine was revealed in the process and now Russia is being made to look like the aggressor in the […]

Russia Imports More than it Sells – Oops – More Craziness

Sanctions upon Russia are more-likely-than-not going to backfire. Russia imports food from the West while it may sell gas to Europe. However, Russia imports more goods than it produces, and this trend can be reversed by sanctions. If I were Putin, I would put a tariff on imported food to match sanctions and hurt the […]

What the Hell Can we do To Hide from the Future?

QUESTION: Hi Marty I was at the trading class in PA though you did an excellent job I have worked on Wall Street for about 25 years sales and trading on equities desk at Lehman, First Boston I have learned more reading your work and attending your conferences than anything over those 25 years So […]