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Greeks Vote Again – Why Bother?

I am here in Athens for the elections this weekend. I must state, at this point in the game it appears to be Greek theater with Brussels pulling the strings and the politicians merely playing parts. Whoever governs is almost a moot point for it seems that the political forces are not interested in an […]

Boehner Losing Control with 2015.75

The Speaker of the House has clearly overstayed his welcome. He is one of the most disliked Republican leaders of all time. One anti-Boehner Republican said a chairman had asked him not to call for a vote on a motion to vacate the chair until Pope Francis, invited to address Congress by the Catholic speaker, makes […]

Canada Gives up Own Citizens to the USA IRS

Canada is giving up “accidental Americans” who have one American parent and that means the U.S. IRS wants to hit them with back taxes like an economic slave, even though they never lived in the USA nor have they consumed anything for which they should contribute their “fair share”. Taxes are simply owed to government to […]

Do You Believe in God?

I was asked an interesting question: “Do you believe in God?” I think most people believe in some form of a higher being and the exact form will differ around the world. Whatever the religion, there is a common theme – do unto others as you would have them do to you. Even back in Ancient […]

Australia Overthrows its Prime Minister in the Blink of an Eye

In Australia, we are seeing signs of political unrest. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has been a complete disaster. It is really a wonder how these people are elected and what goes through their minds. Abbott appears stunned by the swift pace of the challenge to his leadership. His collapse in the polls warned that he […]

Germany & Austria Close Borders — Schengen Agreement Under Pressure — Will War Emerge?

The Schengen Agreement was to be the cornerstone of the entire euro proposition. We just warned that this freedom of movement would begin to come under pressure with this turning point:“As the economy turns down very hard after 2015.75, we are more likely than not going to see the freedom of movement in Europe fragment and that […]

A Vision for the Youth

In Paris, one of the top schools selected three students to appear of French TV with me to talk about the future. The pressing question was clear: what can they do to change things? In France, banking is taught from a limited perspective of simply a commercial banking operation. They do not explain the role of […]

Market Talk – September 14, 2015

Asian equities traded on the heavy side today (Nikkei -1.63% and Shanghai -2.67%), and so followed Europe. However, the U.S. market appeared most nervous of all world indices, even though they ended the day only down -0.4%. Obviously, the Fed’s decision is the main topic of conversation with Retail Sales tomorrow only gaining a mention, but these were reasons given for the tightest trading range seen in […]

Advice for the Fed

I understand that Larry Summers and the IMF, among others, are advising the Fed not to raise rates. They are expecting the Fed to sacrifice domestic policy objectives for international objectives where so many have borrowed in dollars to save interest. This is the real clash between domestic vs. international and the consequence of the […]

Changes on September 30/October 1, 2015 – 2015.75

  It is very interesting to see that we have a lot of things emerging for our turning point on September 30/October 1 (2015.75). This is the day the funding of the Federal government stops and many are speculating that the government will shut its doors thanks to the conservatives in the Republican Party. Given […]