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Is a Crash Inevitable? The Spiral Vortex of Debt and Corruption

QUESTION: Hi Marty I am somewhat concerned about the events unfolding in Nevada, the encroaching tyranny and the future. Sometimes you say that everything will collapse in 2016. Does this mean that the government will collapse and thereby lose their ability to reign tyranny down on us, or indeed will it intensify as the government tries […]

World War III on the Horizon?

Russia and China are becoming closer thanks to Obama and his insane policies behind the NSA that have left America trying to find friends in a dark hour. The sanctions being imposed on Russia have sent China into its camp. The USA is finding it increasingly more difficult to be the bully in the school-yard. […]

The Complexity of War & Debt – a New Factor Entirely

  The title of the next book that needs to be written is not War & Peace, but War and Debt. The interesting complexity of continually borrowing with no intention of ever paying anyone back is a totally modern development post-WWII. This has simply never been done before and governments have no clue what to […]

Russia Sent its Planes near Scotland

Russia continues to test the defenses of Europe to remind then that it is still a military power they cannot contend with alone. Russian planes flew into the edge of UK air space north of Scotland and the UK had to scramble its jets. Obama has in just one term wiped out all the good […]

Russian Interest Rates Soar – Credit Crisis of War

History repeats because the passions of man NEVER change. Russian interest rates have soared and she has found itself in an embarrassing situation. Russia has had to cancel the sale of government bonds for the seventh time, because she cannot find any buyers.The consequences for the country are very dramatic, yet predictable. Russia will raise taxes […]

How Your Cell Phone Threatens Your LIBERTY

Technology played a key role in the Arab Spring as it has in Ukraine. The propaganda that the Ukrainian Revolution was inspired by a CIA plot covered up the fact that it was truly a grass-roots uprising against corruption diminishing the real issue these people were fighting for. They confuse the effort of the USA […]

High End Real Estate $10 million+ Still Rising

With the banking crisis looming in Europe, the IMF behind the drive to seize wealth on a global scale, big money of individuals continues to try to get “off the grid” as they say. Real Estate over $10 million is still booming as reported by AP. We have real estate also mapped into the database […]

Socrates Manual

  We have been getting a lot of emails asking if we will provide a manual and what exactly will be included in the various stages. We have so much work to do with front-end delivery systems besides trying to get four books out this year. So to say I have a full plate is […]

The Secret Agenda

During the late 1970s, I was chairman of the American Gold Council for one year. I had to fly around the USA and do a media tour. It taught me a lot about how it is done. You fly into a city and you do the newspapers, radio, and TV shows. You hop on the […]

Update on the Sovereign Debt Crisis

  The theme of the conference seems to be spot on. Besides both civil unrest rising, international war potential in Korea and Eastern Europe, then there is the sovereign debt crisis that is brewing. For those who though the dollar would collapse and we would all be using yuan and rubles, well the Chinese government […]