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Education A Complete Failure?

Education in the United States and elsewhere has been designed by academics with no real practical work experience. I was in Australia, and Macquarie Bank had funded an education program at Macquarie University. I was given a tour since they were so proud. They took over a hotel and set up rooms to be dealing desks […]

The American Manufacturing Renaissance & Energy

  Detroit Abandoned Manufacturing QUESTION: Is there a “manufacturing renaissance in the USA.”    cr nz ANSWER: Yes. This is developing for two primary reasons. First: the 2011 law that has blocked Americans from starting businesses overseas. Second: many companies including auto manufacturers who rushed to Mexico to manufacture cars are coming back. Ford no […]

Changing Bed Partners

One of the strangest things to emerge on Capitol Hill with the Syrian affair is a coalition with libertarian Republicans and liberal Democrats. Never have these to ever met on any issue. This in itself has people talking in DC. But there is something very strange that is often not recognized. If you go to […]

Nigel Farage – His Latest on Syria

Nigel Farage in Brussels – Shame we do not have more voices of reason. We seem to be headed down a black hole from which humanity will one day point the finger and say that’s who started this.

Putin pens NYT op-ed urging ‘caution’ in Syria – Very Informative

Of course the American commentators are hurling nothing but insults at Putin for his Op-Ed in the New York Times. They dare to say with chemical weapons being used in Syria, he has no moral standing. Putin rightly points out that there is a serious casualty here and that will be the United Nations. “No […]

German Elections

Germany’s parliamentary elections  will be held on 22 September 2013 to determine the 598 (or more, if overhangs are produced) members of the 18th Bundestag, the main federal legislative house of Germany. The elections may by no means bring the expected calm and stability to Europe. Indeed, the elections may well usher in a period of […]

Obama Supporting Al-Qaeda

Al-Qaeda is a major player in the Syrian Rebels. The Obama administration is so determined to have the U.S. military help al-Qaeda win the civil war in Syria to open the pipeline to end the Russian monopoly on gas to Europe.  That is the key to this mess while the slaughter by the Rebels of […]

ECB Warns Greece May Need Two More Bail-Outs

Greece is in trouble because the entire global monetary system is turning to dust and will soon fall to the ground. You cannot borrow forever with no intention of paying anyone back. Greece will still need even more help possibly twice according to the ECB (European Central Bank):. Greece will need about €10-11 billion euros and […]

NSA is Really After Money

If anyone believes whatever the government or politicians say is the truth, then you have your head in the sand. Edward Snowden has revealed what the NSA has really been up to. They have access to the SWIFT system of all bank transfers. They are monitoring all money movements everywhere. Anyone who truly believes these […]

September 18 – Ben Bernanke To Trim QE or Not – That is the Question

Bernanke is in a real box. He knows he needs to trim back the QE purchases, but at the same time he is concerned about the rising bond yields and interest rates. This can send the deficit much higher at a time when there is still a debt ceiling debate ahead. The question of will he […]