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Putin Beefing Up Syria – Still with Eyes on Ukraine

Putin has now more openly beefed-up Syria after Crimea. The West cannot stop Russia and he knows that. Stopping the pipeline through Syria is economically vital to retain Russia’s hold on Europe and the US will start to send gas to Europe in 2015. Syria is all about energy to help Europe – it has […]

US Share Market & high-frequency trading

The US Share Market is like that Pink Energizer Bunny – it just keeps going. The talking heads keep talking to themselves and remain clueless since this is not economically driven from the standpoint of a booming economy. Rather. the economy remains the strongest in the world and we are simply the prettiest of the […]

Putin Exposes West’s Hypocrisy

The stupid argument that Crimea has no right to split from Ukraine to justify sanctions against Russia are really brain-dead. Putin has shown the West’s bombing in Yugoslavia in 1999 to demonstrate that nations split and by force when it serves the purpose of the US and Europe. On this score, he is absolutely correct. […]

Gold Tax Increase in Japan

As of April 1st, Japan is raising a consumption tax from 5% to 8% on gold. Japan imposes a retail consumption tax on gold unlike most other countries. Indeed, the tax increased caused an early jump in gold sales in Japan during March. However, taxes are effecting gold in many ways. Because silver is taxes […]

The Rising Star of Russia & Central Asia

Putin’s swift annexation of Crimea has been extremely popular in Russia and is akin to restoring the national pride within Russia as was the case of Ronald Reagan following the heals of Jimmy Carter and the whole Iran Hostage debacle. Putin has lost Ukraine for now, but the economic conditions within the EU and the […]

Obama & Lagarde – Destroying the World Economy- A Lethal Combination

Christine Lagarde is a french lawyer who became chairman of the Chicago firm Baker & McKenzie. Obama endorsed Lagarde ahead of the vote claiming a woman would be proper after  Dominique Strauss-Kahn, had to resign after being charged with attempted rape in New York. However, the maid was found to be anything but credible and there is […]

World Economic Conference XXV Starts Tomorrow

The seating for 300 at the Cycles of War Conference sold out and additional hundreds viewed it around the world live. The video streaming appears to work well – it was our first attempt at a worldwide broadcast. The feed seems to work for people in China, Russia, South Africa, Brazil, India, and the Middle […]

The US did NOT cause the Fall of the Soviet Union – that is a False Belief on Both Sides

There is a serious issue at the core of the USA-Russian renewed Cold War. Both sides fail to understand how and why the Cold War ended. This is a profound problem that impacts both Russian and Western attitudes risking war in the future. This very common assumption that the West somehow succeeded in causing the collapse […]

NYSE Closed 1914 – Was it Fear of Liquidation or Capital Flows?

QUESTION: I read that during World War I they closed the stock exchange for several months. Do you think this will take place again? I see few people quote you because you have the facts and they are like Al Gore, just full of hot air. You seem to be the only reliable source so […]

Gold & The Land of Confusion

Gold rallied and provided a minor weekly buy signal but has formidable resistance at the 1425 level while the gold promoters tout inflation, the Fed, war, and more hyperinflation. Their counterpart is of course CNBC in the stock market who will claim there really was no sell off only a buying opportunity as Bloomberg TV […]