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Venezuela & Guyana

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I am from Venezuela and became an American citizen 20 years ago. I have brought my father here to live for his pension in Venezuela will not even buy him a cup of coffee as you have mentioned. I can only wish that the democrats would visit Venezuela and witness first hand […]

Is Trump Being Kept in the Dark?

QUESTION: Regarding the repo crisis blog. Surely president Trump would be interested in what you do. Am I just being naive? I mean if the administration were kept informed by Socrates, knowing it’s history, wouldn’t they try to adapt? At some point they have to admit your right. MH ANSWER: I think Trump himself would […]

Lagarde – ECB – Euro

The central banks are keenly aware that they cannot stimulate economic growth, although they will not state that publicly. The wheel of fortune has completed its revolution. The central bankers are quietly lobbying the political side of the aisle to swing back to Keynesian fiscal policy and reverse austerity. The 63-year-old Christine Lagarde was supported […]

Custodial Risk in New York City

QUESTION: Hello Marty, Your commentary and Socrates’ predictive capacity is ground-breaking. I have been following you for years. Thank you for your time and efforts. I find it fascinating that the foretold decline of the West (by Socrates) coincides with the fourth-turning demographic study described by Strauss & Howe. Watching it unfold is causing some […]

Market Talk – November 15, 2019

ASIA: US White House economic advisor and Director of the US National Economic Council Larry Kudlow said negotiators between the US and China were in communication via phone. He did not provide details on the timing of a possible deal, but he did say that a trade deal was in reach. Alibaba CEO Daniel Zhang […]

The Hidden Order & The Motive For Something Greater Than the Norm

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; What I have witnessed from your Socrates and the private blog the past two days, Nov. 29, 30, 2017, has got to be one of the most incredible man-made technological wonders ever created. I am only a few years into your models but the past two days has left me stunned. The […]

Market Talk – November 12, 2019

ASIA: China is trying to implement a digital currency and be the first in the world to do so. “We know the demand from the general public is to keep anonymity by using paper money and coins…We will give those people who demand it anonymity in their transactions,” Mu Changchun, head of the People’s Bank of […]

What If the Unthinkable Could Happen in Politics?

Wouldn’t it be nice if politicians just for once looked at what they have done and actually cared about the people and the future?

Germany Vows to Close its Coal Plants in 19 years

Germany is one of the world’s biggest consumers of coal. After the Japanese nuclear power plant disaster, Germany announced it would not use nuclear power back in 2012. It has remained one of the world’s biggest producers of electricity from coal. It has now announced that it will shut down all 84 of its coal-fired […]

BREXIT Vote Delayed – Democracy Has Fallen

Once upon a time, if you voted against someone like Obama or Tony Blair in Britain, you simply accepted your loss and moved on. Those days are indeed properly for story books which begin – “Once Upon a Time.” This is not something which is unique to Britain. We are beginning to see the collapse […]