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Mailboxes & Election 2020

COMMENT: Hello Marty and AE Global—–Regarding the USPS Mail in Ballots: Under the Obama Administration, they shutdown dozens of Post Offices around the country, diminished regional center capacity, and Dianne Feinstein’s husband, who’s in the real estate business, got the exclusive listing to sell the all these commercial buildings. Trumps campaign should point out this […]

What Kind of Civil Unrest Are We Looking At?

COMMENT #1: There is civil unrest in America, there is no civil unrest in Europe, nothing, zero. You are just so patriotic that it is always America up, Europe down, biased scumbags. PL REPLY #1: The civil unrest our computer is forecasting is global and not limited to the United States. In case you have […]

Deep State Preparing for War?

There appears to be a Deep State move to create a new Iron Curtain to ban China from the world economy unless they comply with the New Green Deal. Reliable sources are warning that a Democratic victory will witness the raising of this new Iron Curtain to force China to its knees. The US is […]

Belarus & the Covert Civil Unrest

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I am writing from Lithuania, next to Belarus, which is is undergoing some serious civil unrest. It is anyone’s guess whether the presidential election outcome was faked/real, but the fact is that President Lukashenko is under serious pressure aimed at him being ousted. A question arises if the concerted effort to […]

Biden Supports the Green Agenda

Biden said: “When Donald Trump thinks about climate change, the only word he can muster is ‘hoax,'” Biden said during a speech unveiling the plan on Tuesday, “When I think about climate change, the word I think of is ‘jobs.'” These people have no idea how much damage has been created within the global economy. […]

Market Talk – August 24, 2020

ASIA: China’s e-commerce and food delivery giants are reaping the benefits of an increasing number of consumers shopping online and businesses trying to digitize, trends accelerated by the coronavirus outbreak. Chinese players have recently reported strong earnings for the second quarter as lockdown rules in the world’s second-largest economy relaxed. India is likely to see […]

Are Tech Companies Protecting You Know Who?

COMMENT: Hello Martin, Thanks for everything that you do. Just wanted to share an observation. I am using a dell PC with Microsoft operating system. Over the past few days your mails that refer to Bill gates have magically ended up in my junk mail. I only noticed as I get your mails direct to […]

Thousands Protest Lockdowns in Ireland

COMMENT: Hi Marty, I hope you’re keeping well? Just to let you know that was a major demonstration in Dublin against the COVID hoax yesterday with the numbers attending being under-reported by the mainstream media. All this while days before, a group of politicians, including the Irish EU Commissioner Phil Hogan, broke every COVID rule […]

Biden’s Best Speech Ever Reveal the Gates Agenda

Joe Biden delivered a very good speech. He read his script well and painted Trump as a white-supremacist. But the concerning element is he promised to create millions of jobs rebuilding the economy GREEN and raising the taxes again what Trump reduced to “pay for it” as if the government ever pays for anything. The […]

Kondratieff Wave – COVID – Future

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I would first like to thank you for your work on the public and private blogs so we small investors can understand the greater trend that has been building for quite some time. I also hope that your health conditions have gotten better and that you are recovering. Your work has […]