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US is now Funding Studies on Civil Unrest

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your work on the cycles of war has been duly noted in government. Governments are starting to take notice and have begun to fund studies of protest groups. Even the Guardian is reporting this trend. In the United States it is called the “Minerva Research Initiative,” and it has been around since […]

Consumption Tax – Will It Ever Return?

COMMENT: Dear Martin, One of the knocks against a consumption tax has always been its potential effect on the deficit. It seems that argument is now irrelevant in the age of QE. This is the perfect time to move to a consumption tax (esp. w/ IRS scandal) GB REPLY: We did a lot of research into […]

Brain-Dead Foreign Policy – Destabilizing the Middle East – Feeding the War Cycle

The War Cycle is doing what it was intended to do. I have warned that this is going to be much worse that the previous cycles building in intensity and broadening to a global perspective. It appears that the economic decline and abuse of government has led to massive tension and this will be manifest […]

Plague Cycle

A lot of questions have come in about disease. Yes there is a cycle to plagues. We included just a brief comment on this cycle that amazingly nearly matched the Cycle of War 25.03 years with 25.15 years. The Romans were great secretaries and tended to record events of this nature. When we analyzed the history […]

Can Patterns Target Individuals?

QUESTION: hello, you wrote today: The degree of complexity in modeling even things like the cycles of war can be done right down to an individual. It is looking for patterns based upon your cycle work is Hillary Clinton likely to be the next president? regards., Ted ANSWER: Our models on politics do not target an […]

Australians – Looking at Restriction on Travel

A reader from Australia sent this in from Victoria. Here we see that we are economic slaves. The government seeks to prevent travel if you owe anything. They should just take it all and call it a day. COMMENT: Hello Martin, I though that you might like this, it is an editorial from Saturday’s Herald […]

NBC’s Snowden Interview

NBC has published a reasonable interview with Edward Snowden. It is worth the time to watch. It provides a glimpse into what he is about and explains the data mining that people have no idea the revelations that can emerge. The degree of complexity in modeling even things like the cycles of war can be […]

You Are Not Alone

QUESTION:  Martin, One of my friends who reads you said reading your stuff is like getting a graduate level course in political economics.  You’ve said that various colleges have asked that you teach.  You should suggest to them that they simply require their students to read your on line postings. I am curious as to […]

Military Takes Control of Thailand

On this War Cycle, Asia is about 2 years ahead of Europe. In the Cycle of War Report I noted that the cycle for China was slightly ahead of 2014. This is being reflected in the elections in India, which was an uprising politically against corruption there as well. Thailand has been in turmoil given […]

Return of Corruption – Sorry – Lobbying

Elected officials will do anything to maintain power. The name of the game is to to get re-elected at all costs, which preferably are yours. Running a campaign is expensive, so politicians are dependent upon contributions in return they take care of their friends. The proof is in the numbers. Strategas, a macro-research/brokerage firm formed […]