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Dow Looking Into 2016-2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, at the conference you said the US share market would continue to move sideways and there will be no breakout to the upside until 2016. After Fridays action I assume this is still on target. Where is support this time? Curious ANSWER: The key support lies down at 16887. We need a weekly closing […]

My Cyclical Approach

QUESTION:  Marty, I just watched ‘The Forecaster’ on demand, I just wanted to say it was an exceptional movie. I really enjoyed seeing your story played out, and following your journey to the discovery of pi in economic cycles. As an avid trader myself, although not nearly as successful as you [yet, hopefully!], I’m always […]

Marine Le Pen Clearly States It Is Not a War Against Terrorism, It Is a War Against an Ideology Marine Le Pen states with absolute clarity that this is by no means a war against terrorism — it is a war against the ideology of Islamic Fundamentalism. Refusing to state that truth where “terrorism” is merely a weapon, one cannot wage war or ever defeat such a weapon because there is no acknowledgement […]

Real Estate Has Peaked

The U.S. real estate market has turned for the top end has peaked. Luxury homes for the top 5% are now off by 2%. In my personal search, I have been looking at homes in Florida for the past year. Some of the high-end homes they showed me on the beach were still on the […]

World War III & a Pipeline

To understand what is really behind the curtain regarding the Middle East, ISIS, Turkey, and the USA’s strategic attempt to reduce Russia’s control over energy to Europe, we must start back in 2009 when Qatar proposed a pipeline plan to Assad to send its natural gas to Europe via Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Jordan. Assad […]

Australian Gov't Converting itself to a Dictatorship?

The Australian Government is introducing legislation that converts itself into a virtual dictatorship whereby it has sweeping powers to order any communication company to simply do whatever they command. The claim the powers are as always for national security to prevent spies and criminals from accessing communications. This is akin to government saying they want […]

The Sept 30th, 2015 Turning Point in the Economic Confidence Model

The Economic Confidence Model may have pinpointed the start of the demise of Western Civilization. On September 28, 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Barack Obama had a 90-minute face off at the UN in New York. Putin petitioned Obama for the US to join Russia in against ISIS and leave Assad in […]

Is Russia Subject to the Economic Confidence Model

QUESTION: Has the ECM worked to the day in politics outside of the United States as in my home country Russia? ANSWER: Absolutely. Putin was elected on March 26th, 2000 (2000.23). That is precisely to the day from the collapse of the USSR on August 19th, 1991 (1991.63). This is a UNIVERSAL frequency. It is […]

The Gold Conspiracy

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; your position is that the metals are not suppress by manipulation. There have been 3 major investigations into silver market manipulation of which each concluded there was no manipulation because COMEX silver was not out of line with the “Silver Fix”. Some say that this was a fake investigation and with the London […]

Bankers to be Criminally Charged

Wait long enough, and the coin always flips to the other side. The rumors circulating is that the NY Federal Prosecutors are at last looking to file criminal charges against bankers in Royal Bank of Scotland & J.P. Morgan for selling faulty mortgage backed securities that the KNEW were bogus. The cycle has turned. Bankers […]