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Women Rally but for What?

COMMENT: In the UK, the organizers of this woman’s march said it was not a protest about Trump. In the United States it is being billed as a Trump protest. What a difference the other side of the pond. ANSWER: Yes. Here the press is always going to be negative and will do whatever they […]

Education – The Greatest Fraud Exempt from Law

QUESTION: Trump seems to be interested in changing education. This seems to be really controversial. What are your thoughts on this subject. ANSWER: Yes, there are people yelling about reducing or gutting public education. Let’s get real about this. The two WORST areas of abuse have been medical care and education. Both are increasing at […]

Foreign Governments Have Always Tried to Interfere With US Elections

Meddling  with public opinion is by no means altering the voting machines or vote tallies. Fake news statements can be countered with truth, but only when our own media is not part of a domestic propaganda action to benefit one side, as was the case with 77% of all news stories anti-Trump and pro-Hillary. The […]

Lewis & Media Do Not Even Understand Why there is the Electoral College

QUESTION: Marty; I find Lewis very disrespectful saying Trump is not the legitimate president. He might have been involved in the civil rights movement, but he is coming off as one of these intolerables who regards anyone who voted for Trump a deplorable. I am very disappointed in him at this point. Any comment? ANSWER: […]

Capitalism v Socialism – Good Perspective of the Difference

COMMENT: Martin, A story I received: A guy looked at my Porsche the other day and said I wonder how many people could have been fed for the money that sports car cost. I replied I am not sure, it fed a lot of families in Bowling Green, Kentucky who built it, it fed the […]

Soros Should be Banned from Hungary

I still believe that George Soros is extremely dangerous with his ideas of Open Society. Hungary’s vice chairman of the ruling Fidesz party, Szilard Nemeth said that all operations funded by Soros and his Open Society Foundation should be banned from operating in Hungary. Nemeth said at a news conference that Soros and his operations were “pushing […]

Clinton Global Initiative – Core of their Foundation is Closing Down

The collapse of the Clinton Foundation is in full swing demonstrating that this was all really about selling influence. Given the bad press for the Clinton Foundation, combined with Hillary’s loss, has sent her political donations running for the hills. The Clinton Global Initiative was their pretend centerpiece to which they claimed its goal “convenes […]

Reader Comments & Observations

COMMENT #1:  Regarding your post Currency vs Language, I wanted to add that in NY I have an abundance of IT co-workers that are H1-B visas holders working as consultants from India. They are extremely nice and I’ve enjoyed learning about their culture. As I’ve stated before, these consults overwhelmingly supported Hillary Clinton. Some of […]

Fake News – Just Look at the Source

QUESTION: Dear Marty: OK, with all this stuff floating around about Russia, and Trump doing strange things on bedding can you shed some light from Behind the Curtain ? Are the establishment THAT SCARED that one of their own is not in power ? I have to say, I am totally disillusioned. The Press is Constitutionally […]

Is Trump Draining the Swamp or Filling It?

Trump has broken his word and is by no means draining the swamp — he is filling it. He has really betrayed a lot of people by his nomination of Gary D. Cohn as Director of the National Economic Council, which is a policy-making position for domestic and international economic issues. The one legal firm in New York […]