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ECB v Fed

QUESTION: Martin, You mentioned in a recent blog post that the ECB, unlike the FED, can go bankrupt. Can you explain further? Not sure where you get the time, energy and resources to research and write all that you do buy it is truly amazing. Regards, M ANSWER: The Federal Reserve does not need permission to […]

The 2020 Election – The Most Corrupt in American History

The polls will be manipulated to show Trump will lose. While our computer shows he should win, caution is necessary because we are also showing this will be the most corrupt election in American history. The computer had also projected that Gore would have won but the Supreme Court handed that to Bush, and later […]

Market Talk – June 22, 2020

ASIA: China has suspended US poultry imports from a plant owned by a US-based meat processor, Tyson Inc, that has been hit by the coronavirus, as authorities struggle to bring an outbreak in Beijing under control. China’s general administration of customs said on its website it had decided on the suspension after the company confirmed […]

Central Bank Crisis Expanding

QUESTION: Hi Marty. You mentioned in the blog that all European sovereign debt may end up being converted into perpetual bonds. Will it be through debt mutualization or will each country have each own Consol? Could you please elaborate on how this conversion would affect pension funds, banks, social security and individual investors? Knowing that the […]

Is Socialism Dying?

QUESTION: Good day Marty. Thanks for your work and assistance at trying to remain sane during these times. Question; you’ve stated many times that socialism is dying. From where I sit it appears the opposite. Do you think these are the signs of an extinction burst, or do we expect even more insanity ultimately leading […]

Market Talk – June 3, 2020

ASIA: The US government says it will block Chinese airlines from flying into the US in response to China’s decision to ban US air carriers on June 1, 2020. The Transportation Department restrictions will take effect on June 16 but could be enacted earlier if President Donald Trump decides to do so. The Transportation Department […]

The New Norm – Social Distancing Forever

In discussions behind the curtain, it appears that there is also a hidden agenda to embrace Bill Gates’ virus for the purpose of suppressing our freedom. The Marxist Socialist Model that took over the world beginning with the Progressive Era at the turn of the 19th century is collapsing.   The unfunded liabilities and the […]

Seizing the Moment – Mandating New Green World Order Manipulating the Press

The Gates Promotional PR Team is out in full force lobbying the press to now support the redesign of the economy to end Climate Change. The strategy behind Gates is to use the media to put pressure on the politicians who will do whatever they think the people want and the way to get that […]

Hong Kong Peg to Crack in June?

China’s Communist Party will impose a sweeping national security law in Hong Kong during the annual meeting of its top political body, criminalizing “foreign interference” along with secessionist activities and subversion of state power. This is directed at the protests for independence. It is a very dramatic and bold move that unquestionably undermines Hong Kong’s […]

Spain & Climate Change Agenda Merged with Virus Agenda

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Hope you’re well. Still in lockdown… there are now strict time slots when people (based on age, etc) can leave home (unless they’re going to work or to do grocery shopping), A few regions (the islands, basically) have relaxed the rules more, but not the large cities and more populated provinces. At any […]