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Medicare Costs May Jump 52% in 2016

Before, I never had to pay when I picked up medicine for my mother. Ever since Obamacare, I have to pay a fair amount. Now, almost one-third of the roughly 50 million elderly Americans who depend on Medicare for their healthcare and other services are likely to see their premiums jump by 52% or more in 2016. […]

Velocity of Money & the Boom and Bust Cycle

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is the velocity of money an indicator of booms and bust? Didn’t the QE program by the Fed increase the money supply? Then why do we not see an increase in velocity or inflation? Confused & Curious TW ANSWER: The reality is, in a broad general sense, the velocity of money is […]

The Close of August

So far, the markets are generally positioning themselves for a turn at the end of September. The Dow has traded sideways since Thursday, trying to cling to the rebound. We need a closing today ABOVE 17007 to firm up the market, and a closing below 16632 will warn that the Dow is weak going into […]

Gold Coins vs. Bullion

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Because of the civil asset forfeiture laws I think I understand why you say own only gold coins before 1947 not bullion they can call cash. Am I correct? HP ANSWER: Absolutely. Even that will not be a guarantee against government who has gone totally criminal. However, if you have circulated common date $20, […]

Reality Check

Over the weekend, The Financial Times reported that Beijing would abandon its large-scale share purchases. This story sparked declines in China’s A-listed shares, although the Shanghai Composite pared losses to close 0.8 percent down. Then there is Jackson Hole and how amazingly stupid people are who do not understand what the Fed has been saying […]

It’s All in the Database – Are We Doomed?

  QUESTION: Dear Martin, Although I am not that knowledgeable in Economics, I have been following your blog for some time now. I am intrigued by the patterns Socrates unearthed regarding human behavior. I can appreciate a good puzzle. We keep repeating  everything  we do, but it grows more devastating as our technical  knowledge improves, […]

Top Fundraisers Abandon Bush

What our computer has been forecasting for 2016 is unfolding right before our eyes. It is a product of the trend within the economy. Many Republicans I know are saying that the last thing they want is another Bush. The establishment just does not get it. They have been assuming that Trump is just another Ross Perot who will […]

Advice for Trump

QUESTION: What would you advise Trump if he asked? ANSWER: When I debated Steve Forbes and New Jersey Governor Jim Florio who lost because he kept raising taxes, I converted Florio. Steve took the Flat Tax and Florio was the “tax ‘em ‘til they die” Democrat; in the debate I disarmed Florio by pointing out that the […]

The Establishment Hates Trump and Are Desperate to Stop Him

The Republicans had a little focus group where they watched taped instances of Trump’s apparent misogyny, political flip-flops, and awe-inspiring braggadocio. They watched the Donald say Rosie O’Donnell has a “fat, ugly face”. They saw that Trump once supported a single-payer health system, and heard him say, “I will be the greatest president God ever created.” The […]

Socrates & the General Public

QUESTION: Hello, I am one of the little people surviving on the minimum wage in the UK whilst raising my children to be responsible human beings and hopefully contribute to a better world. Thank you for your blog and your valuable insights, you have quite a following from those who have no financial interests and […]