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War Bullish or Bearish?

Many people are talking about a stock market crash when Obama invades Syria. When we look at that historically, war does not create a major decline in stocks. Here is a chart of the Dow for the Gulf War in 1991. The market rallied after Congress authorized force. The idea that people will dump stocks […]

Confiscation of Pensions – How Syria is Setting the Stage.

The US is dependent upon selling debt to someone. This Sovereign Debt Crisis has made the US vulnerable for it really cannot act unilaterally in international affairs as Obama is attempting. The USA is dependent upon selling its debt with about 40% being held internationally. Obama’s policies come at tremendous cost to the economy long-term. […]

Vatican holds 5 Hour Vigual for Peace in Syria – Obama & Kerry Are Not Religious Men So Big Deal

On Saturday, Pope Francis urged world leaders to stop a “spiral of sorrow and death” in Syria. He held a special five-hour prayer service that was attended by 100,000 people in Rome. Even Italian Muslims joined the Pope in his vigual for peace. There has never been such a mass of anti-Americanism perhaps in history. This […]

Cypriot economy Headed toward Depression

What the European Community did to Cyprus was a true crime. They had promised, swore even, that there would never be a default in the Euro. But Greece defaulted and that took down Cyprus. Even according to the European Commission, the European Central Bank, and IMF, the Cypriot economy is expected to contract 8.7% in […]

Dirty Dealing on Syria in Washington

The only key Arab nations supporting Obama are Saudi Arabia and Qatar and that is all about the pipeline blocked by Syria. There are even rumors that the Cyprus event was used to cripple Russians and cut-off their eventual access to a huge gas field there yet to be brought into production. If the Russians […]

Behind-the-Curtain – Why Syria Must Go – It is Gas this Time

Way too much evidence is showing that it was the Saudis who have supplied the rebels with chemical weapons not Assad. So why are the Saudis intent upon getting rid of Assad? The Saudis are planning together with Qatar a pipeline, which will run from the Gulf to Turkey. This will result in the Russian Gazprom having […]

Pension Crisis Fueled by Manipulation of Interest Rates by Central Banks

The pension crisis is beginning to emerge as a real growing problem. The central banks have been keeping interest rates low for the primary reason of reducing the national debts. In Germany, they are beginning to notice that not merely are government pensions growing faster than private as public servants help themselves to our income […]

Mainstream Media – Pro War

QUESTION: Why is mainstream media pro-Obama and war? ANSWER: The press has traditionally been a pawn of government. Look at the NSA scandal how they have taken control of airlines, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, and Microsoft to name a few. The American press was responsible for creating the Spanish-American War in 1898. I was taught that […]

Obama Desperate to Attack Syria to Distract People from Budget Crisis

Sources directly from Capitol Hill revealed that three separate letters were sent to Obama from members of Congress warning him not to take action on Syria before they return. That has been the whole point. Obama faces a debt ceiling battle in September and the Treasury runs out of money in October. John Boehner is […]

NSA Has Access to German Airlines Systems

The reach of the NSA is simply unbelievable. The NSA has access to the booking system of Lufthansa. The American security authorities may intervene directly in the booking system of Lufthansa of course on the pretense of terrorists who probably announce their plans on Facebook, are using Windows 8 laptops, search via Google, and check financial […]