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Market Talk — August 28, 2015 at Mid-Session

A mixed bag for equity markets across the globe today with two out of three core Asian indices closing higher. The Nikkei and Shanghai produced impressive 3%+ gains this Friday whilst the Hang Seng Index lost 1.05%. In Europe, the DAX failed to trade in the black all day, but we did see small improvements heading into the […]

Sorry, We Cannot Hold a Third WEC

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is there any way to expand the Princeton WEC? It is obvious that you are the real deal. I can see why they said you manipulate the world for nobody can believe what you and your computer have achieved. You said the May high should hold and a correction into August should […]

False Move on the Yearly Level

QUESTION: Marty; This is what you explained at the last WEC. The risk of a false move on the yearly level. Correct? ANSWER: Yes, it is always fractal. A Yearly False Move is rare, and it becomes the biggest possible slingshot to the upside. The Dow made a Yearly FALSE MOVE on a number of occasions. For […]

Why This Week’s Low is So Important

The Dow fell as far as it could possibly go without reversing the trend on a long-term basis, even technically. The low this week has been 15370.33. This has flirted with our Third Monthly Bearish Reversal at 15550, but we also have a simple technical point of great importance — 15284 — which happens to […]

Oil & The Commodity Risk

COMMENT: Mr Armstrong, I work in engineering and last year I was offered a position back in a major North Sea oil company. The reason I turned it down was due to your forecast that oil was going to slump. If that was the case, I thought I would duly be paid off not long […]

The Fraud in Global Warming Continues

It is pretty bad when a national government agency is continually caught fudging the temperature data while refusing to make corrections. They are clearly following orders to maintain that there is global warming to support taxes. They now need global warming to implement carbon taxes on businesses and cars. States are looking at additional road taxes because people are […]

Socrates to Launch by End of September

We are on schedule for launching Socrates by the end of September. We are setting up the design right now and the dashboard for markets, so you will see the trend at a glance. This requires merging many different models, including the Global Market Watch, which defines the pattern recognition for each time level. Users […]

There is More At Stake Than Just China

Dennis Lockhart, President of Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, stuck to his guns late Monday by stating that he still expects the Fed to raise short-term interest rates in the next few months. I have been warning that without higher rates, the Fed is facing a pension crisis because rates have been kept way too low […]

Thank You – The Future

COMMENT:  I carefully read through all your missives you had sent over the weekend, highlighting the importance of Monday for the Dow, and the levels given. You even said “Pay attention now Monday could be the intraday low. The open will be crucial”. And the low so far indeed did occur in the opening few […]

China Cuts Interest Rate & Lowers Reserve Requirements

I keep telling people that the central bank of China is far more professional than any other central bank. When I was invited there during the Asian Crisis, I was stunned to be invited over some academic. When I got there, I found that everyone had experience. They had worked on dealing desks around the world and […]