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West is Impudent – This is like the Fall of Rome

Obama has spoken harsh words threatening there will be “costs” to a Russian invasion of Ukraine, but these “costs” will simply be economic sanctions that will further the new Cold War. Putin asked the Russian upper house legislature for “permission” to invade and of course they granted that hands down. The barbarians tried for decades […]

Assassination – tool of Revolution – The Contagion of the 19th Century – Are We in for a New Contagion?

A number of people have asked what was this Marxist Anarchist movement inspired by Karl Marx (1818-1883) and are we seeing this rise again? The very idea of assassinating leaders such as President Lincoln and President McKinley was part of an international trend that began during the 19th century and was based upon the theory that […]

Rising Protests now in Azerbaijan Against Corruption

There have been rising protests once again protesting against government corruption in Azerbaijan. This is becoming a much more rising trend and it reminds one of the rising anarchist trend inspired by Marxism that led to many assassinations in Europe and then President McKinley in the USA back in 1901. That rising trend of unrest […]

Russian Warships head for Ukraine & 150,000 Troops sent to the Border

  Russian warships have now appeared on the coast of Ukraine and Putin has sent 150,000 troops for exercises at the border of Ukraine. The conflict between the USA and Russia is as always – one of distrust. Between the American people and the Russian people there is no real conflict. The issue is always […]

Ukraine – The Spark for World War III?

On the 28th June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, were shot dead in Sarajevo, by Gavrilo Princip, one of a group of six assassins. That was the spark that tore Europe apart. Olexander Turchynov in Ukrain is warning of the dangers of […]

Corrupt Politicians – The Mansion of a Tyrant

Viktor Yanukovych is the example of the worst of the worst in politicians. His mansion he built with stolen money from the state is breathtaking right down to buying exotic animals for a personal zoo to ships he had constructed to sail on a lake. Poland has now come forward and stated it will hand over […]

Ukrainian Disneyland – Why Any Former Politician is No Longer Respected

The most interesting aspect of the Ukrainian Revolution is the total rejection of anyone who was a former politician. They have told both former Prime Ministers – thanks but no thanks. After the decadent display of wealth hidden off in Viktor Yanukovych’s estate, nobody is welcome who was ever a politician given the number that […]

Yanukovych Captured?

Anyone who claims that what took place in Ukraine had nothing to do with corruption simply believes propaganda and refuses to listen to reality. Yanukovych fled but he could not make it to an airport. It appears he went to Crimea and was trying to board a ship. According to reports we are getting from inside […]

Resentment inside USA & Power Play Between USA & Russia

My statement that there is no deep resentment in USA was in reference to Germany and Japan. Yes there is still deep seeded resentment internally between the South and the North to this day and the Bible Belt v Democrats. That is internal issues that is quite different from hundreds of years of resentment between […]

The Rising Global Unrest – Collapse in Marxism & Republics

  For months now, protesters have been gathering in many capital cities of developing nations such as Turkey, Ukraine, Thailand, Venezuela, Malaysia, and Cambodia, among others. These demonstrations are part of the rise in tension that our model warns will spread. This is the collapse of “socialism” as I put it for there is a […]