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War & Capital Flows

QUESTION: If 2014 is a war year how can confidence in economy continue till 2015? ANSWER: This cycle is the beginning of unrest. We expect this to begin manifesting in terms of civil unrest – not a worldwide war. That could come later as things develop. However, the civil unrest is most likely to begin […]

Major Highs are Always Spikes – No Risk of Major High in US Shares

Major Highs are always spike events that mark the exhaustive extreme. To illustrate this point, raise your arm straight out above your head. Keep it there. Soon you will run out of energy and your arm will become so heavy you can no longer keep it straight up in the air. Markets are the same. […]

EU Commission Staged Coup Against Berlusconi in Italy

What is emerging over elections in Italy is really amazing. We have had the EU claim that the Italian Mafia is controlling elections in June. However, what is now starting to emerge is that the EU Commission played an active role in staging a coup to oust the former Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi and replace with […]

Tangible v Intangible Money – Why Times Have Changed

The mantra of Goldbugs has been that paper money is worthless and only gold is money. That is pretty much like saying the earth is still flat. Money has historically been many things and gold is only one of them. The issue is always the fact that money (regardless of what it is) rises and […]

Glass-Steagall Returns by Default

QUESTION: If Europe is imploding, general global economy slowing and there is a liquidity crunch, Why in heaven is the Fed going to start taper in september? Because of political pressure are they going to taper/rise rates and leave the Banks on their own with Has the Fed decided to really clean the system? Thank you […]

Cyprus Bail-In 47.5%

The Cyprus Bail-In seems to be coming in as 47.5%. Keep in mind that the loss is due to the banks holding debt from Greece that the EU promised would never happen. The entire European Banking System is at tremendous risk. Aside from the issue of proprietary trading that went sour as in New York, […]

US Promises Snowden No Death Sentence or Torture

Let me make something very clear. The USA routinely tortures people. The press simply will not report it as such because they are controlled. If they report anything the government does not like, the journalist is targeted by the IRS and any individual that does not do as Washington demands is dead meat. I personally […]

September Chaos Obama Wants $1.6 Trillion More in Taxes

President Obama is already posturing to raise taxes again. He is now calling for $1.6 trillion in tax increases. We are headed into a massive black hole and there is not much we are going to be able to do. These politicians are totally out in left field and we may actually see a government […]

German Low Wages & Personal Assets

German citizens have not actually benefited from the Euro in personal ways. Among the 17 countries of the Eurozone,  Germany is far behind countries such as Italy, France or Spain insofar as net assets are concerned. Additionally, one in four Germans suffer from a low wage.

Napoleon Bonaparte First Consul

During April 1795, in the 3rd year of the French Republic, the National Assembly created a new currency. From now on, the franc was to be the standard coin in France. The franc was one of the most modern currencies of the time, for it was divided decimally: 1 franc was equal to 10 decimes […]