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Vancouver Speech – Observations of a Trader

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your lecture at Vancouver was simply amazing. Inside of 15 minutes you tore the entire world economy apart and exposed the fallacy that we are taught and I am an economics major. Everyone was talking about what you had to say going out the door. You previously said that rising unemployment can […]

Ukraine – Becoming the Real Focal Point

Ambassador Michael McFaul to Russia has Resigned, not merely from his post, but from the Obama Administration. McFaul was never popular in Russia and was often accused of trying to stir a revolution there. But the word around is that he is getting out and does not like the turn of events. Besides the US sending tanks […]

Thailand Anti-Government Corruption

The anti-government protests in Thailand are against corruption. This is the same trend we are seeing in Ukraine and will erupt in Europe, Japan, and then eventually the USA after 2016. The economy has to turn down before you get protests. The downside of these types of protests is when the police benefit from the […]

The Shocking Truth in Ukraine Mainstream Will Not Report – There is a Chance to be Free At Last

The significance of Ukraine is far beyond what the mainstream press has dared to even portray. This is how Empires, Nations, and City States eventually collapse. There have been protesters gone missing. Some have resurfaced only with stories of being tortured. Some politicians have tried to distance themselves from President Viktor Yanukovich realizing this guy […]

Nika Riots of January 13, 532AD

The Byzantine government, as all governments, became extremely bureaucratic and corrupt. The culture divided into what we would call a right and left wing system of politics. The roots of this real divide grew out of sports and rival competing teams. These team associations grew and had become a focus for various social and political issues […]

Ukraine – Just More Political Bullshit

Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov resigned on Tuesday. This much is true. Part of the compromise was to appoint a “member” from the opposition as Prime Minister. That is really a powerless position for the real power lies with the  President Viktor Yanukovich. The former boxer-turned-politician Vitaly Klitschko and others have shied away from taking the […]

Iceland Let its Banks Fail & Has Proved to be the Best Decision Ever

While in the USA and Europe, this idea that banks have to be saved at all expense is quite absurd. Iceland let its banks fail and the collapse ended the process and a rebirth began. The same is true during the Great Depression. The collapse in the US share market was just 34 months and […]

Bank Manipulations Coming to an End?

I have stated for years that the banks are NOT great traders – they are manipulators. You can tell the bias and untrustworthiness of mainstream press for just about every organization criticized Greg Smith’s book – Why I Left Goldman Sachs. Any journalist who dared to support Goldman and diminish what Smith wrote about is […]

Electric Money will Eliminate Bank Runs

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you so much for what you do. My son actually introduced you to me. He works in New York at a major bank and says everyone reads you because you actually have experience. He said there is talk about electronic money, but was not entirely sure why the banks are behind […]

Nigel Farage Tells it Like it Is.

Nigel Farage tells it like it is – Europe is by no means a democracy – it’s run by big banks, big business, and big bureaucrats. There is no actual democratic movement. The EU Commission has no problem removing any politician who dares to stand up against them. Yes, I accept cookies and get the […]