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The Dark Cloud on the Horizon

  The dark cloud on the horizon may be far different from what traditional analysis anticipates. The degree of plagiarism with so many people now copying what our forecasts, claiming they are their’s, and touting cycles without ever mentioning our model is really amazing. People are sending in examples from all over the world, and now there […]

Death of Oil & EM Drive

  When it rains, it pours. For the last 15 years there have been rumblings surrounding the possibility of creating the impulse engine in “Star Trek”. Nearly 15 years ago, British inventor Roger Shawyer proposed an EM drive that would produce thrust by using solar power to generate multiple microwaves that move back and forth within an enclosed chamber. […]

INFLATION – Multi-Dimensional Confusion

The old idea that inflation is created by an increase in money supply has distorted the minds of many people. Inflation is caused by numerous factors for it is not a one-dimensional aspect. For example, the current bird flu has rendered half of the egg production to be worthless, which has sent egg prices soaring. This has nothing […]

Trump – Paul – Debate

QUESTION: Marty; What did you think of Trump and Rand Paul in the debate? Thanks BP ANSWER: I felt Trump held his own. The moderators were biased and starting the pretend debate by asking who will pledge not to run independently illustrates that they were speaking as the party line rather than an as unbiased […]

Did FOX News Try to Politically Assassinate Trump to Maintain the Status Quo?

  FOX News is really starting to show how they are attempting to influence the elections by destroying Donald Trump through claims that he is against women. I think the attack is really exaggerated; he may say some wild things, but is he really against women? I would say the evidence does not support that. Nonetheless, FOX […]

The Age of Deflation & the Fed

It appears that many people are married to the idea that the Fed creates INFLATION by expanding the money supply. Sorry, it does not work that way. Others confuse the fact that interest rate increases are bearish and declines are bullish. All you need to do is look at Japan to see that did not work […]

Gold & the Perpetual Nasty E-mails

Gold closed at 1094.10 holding the Weekly Bearish Reversal at 1084 once again. The nasty emails have come in already asking, “Where’s the bounce?” It seems there are some people who hate me so much that they live to try to prove me wrong; I suppose to make themselves feel better that they’re out of their minds. […]

The Republican Debate on FOX News

The debate everyone has been waiting for revealed the bias of the moderators and their secret agenda against Trump. The second most interesting exchange was between Christie and Paul. The so-called debate began with the leading question of asking candidates if they would pledge not to go a third party, which was clearly targeting Trump. […]

Economists Say Trump is Wrong

Yahoo reported that economists deny Trump’s ability to bring jobs back to America from China and other countries. Well, the economists are wrong. All it would take is a repeal of the income tax. Nearly half of the cost of labor is taxation. If you want to create jobs, cut the income taxes. That does not mean […]

The Next Two Months

The next two months going into September will be both interesting and critical. The NASDAQ Composite made new highs in July, but the S&P500 and the Dow Jones Industrials failed to exceed May highs. The general consensus is that there will be a rate hike in September and another in December, so if we back-off from […]