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If you cannot Meet EU Criteria – Change the Rules

The EU is changing the rules concerning deficits. Whatever countries spend on infrastructure will be exempt from the deficit, even though the debts will increase further. Their idea of creating jobs is to hire more government workers rather than reduce taxes to create business. Just amazing.

Its a Tinfoil Hat Conspiracy

QUESTION: Today employment came with 195K. 1- If Europe is imploding, China slowing, Emerging markets slowing, is the US employment story sustainable? 2- After the governments bond collapse beyond 2015.75, could USA devalue the dollar and make a combination of bond default with a new currency? 3- Is physical gold in the allocated form in a […]

Male or Female Makes No Difference – They Are All After Your Money

When Diocletian (284-305AD) came to power after the Great Monetary Collapse of the 3rd Century, he sought to restore the economy even reintroducing silver coins. However, to accomplish that he imposed aggressive taxation and invented passports since you could not travel leaving your town unless you paid your taxes. This is exactly what is in […]

Austria Forces Bolivian President to Land looking for Snowden

Europe still does whatever the USA orders it to do. Like Rome, all roads lead to Washington. It does not matter that the USA is spying on European politicians, it is also in a position to blackmail them so they do as the USA demands. There is no better example of this than Austria forcing […]

Brown Brothers Harriman

Brown Brothers Harriman A number of clients have been concerned about banks. The German Banks may be in far worse shape than most suspect. Because Germany has been seen as the foundation of Europe, with its banking problems, once they crack the Euro does not look very good. The crisis among trading banks leads to […]

Metals Bull or Bear?

QUESTION: Dear sir I have read your articles extensively and i have a few questions… You have repeatedly said that the tree must be shaken (for gold) but as far as i know gold and silver are in a BEAR market. This is not a correction in a bull market any more but a bear […]

What If Everyone Used The Model?

QUESTION: Good morning. This question is for Martins blog (Martin then, I guess). What will happen if everyone starts to act according to the forecasts made by the computer, AND use Martin Armstrongs knowledge / advice as a basis when trying to be proactive to the developments forecasted. Is the human nature and creativity diverse enough, […]

How to Distinguish Among Banks & What Will Be Insured

It is starting to become critical regarding what bank to trust. The Bank War of Andrew Jackson just may be reemerging at last with the target being this time the “club” led by the New York Investment Bankers. The dangerous bankers in NYC and elsewhere are those who are proprietary traders. The NY Investments Bankers […]

Thatcher was Right

Margaret Thatcher was a Euro-Skeptic from the start. Her own cabinet abandoned her and pushed her out of politics because she was against joining the Euro concept. She maintain it was an economic union, not a political one. Now even Merkel is beginning to pull back. The idea of Europe has always been the federalization […]

Dow Jones – To Be or Not to Be

We wrote on June 20th: “The Daily Bearish Reversals are 14670 and 14392 with the Weekly Bearish at 14390 and 14360/ The key support starts with the Monthly Bearish at 13139 and 12940, with the critical support at the Monthly Bearish at 12220.” We elected the minor Daily Bearish on the 24th but that was […]