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German Unemployment hits 12%

The unemployment in Germany is rising hitting 12%. This in indicating what we have been warning about – European economic growth will turn negative in 2013. Germany turning down marks the confirmation we have been warning that deflation is the major risk not inflation, which is reflected in gold prices. This has impacted the Swiss […]

Gold in Currencies

QUESTION: If Europe is going down the drain before the US (the lack in confidence in EU governments), isn’t it expectable that the gold price will rise in Europe first? If that isn’t so, will the dollar always be the first refuge and gold the last one, rising only after the US collapses? Thank you […]

The A$ is Confirming Commodity Decline & Rise in US$

The A$ has been dropping of late as the US dollar is rallying on a global scale. This is impacting also commodity prices and the bottom line is simply that the US$ remains as the biggest short out there and a rally will be devastating on a global scale. It is also the only hope […]

Real Estate – The Giant American Fraud

There is a huge difference between buying real estate in America and that in Europe or even Asia. The USA tells you to buy a home for your retirement. But nobody looks at the bottom line. Let’s say you buy a home with a $300,000 30-Year Mortgage. In interest at 4.75% you will pay just […]

It’s all about Timing

COMMENT:  Hello Martin This will be interesting - stock market UP / economy Down / bonds down / real estate Up / dollar Up Up / taxes Up / gold Down / civil unrest Up / weather cycle - unstable Wow only a computer could generate this outcome... ANSWER: Absolutely. The most interesting aspect of […]

The Business Cycle

Defining the Business Cycle By Martin Armstrong There are those that adamantly deny the existence of a Business Cycle for one simple reason; if a regular Business Cycle exists, then man and his government, driven by special interests, are incapable of manipulating its outcome. The entire foundation of Marxism was the recognition of the Business […]

As US Economy Turns Down Due to Taxes – So Does the World

Obama and the Democrats have to get through their thick skull that Karl Marx’s ideas are dead. The Collapse of Communism proved that and now it is their turn with socialism that really is the same thing – the people are incapable to spending their own money so government should do it for them. Government […]

Rising Tide of Civil Unrest

Around the globe people are rising up as Socialism is collapsing. All the promises of a better life have allowed governments to grow like mold in a closed bag of bread. The youth have no future for as government continue to hunt down any money as the G8 leaders pledged to hunt down anyone who […]

International Capital Flow Analysis

We will be publishing the International Capital Flow Analysis – the Dawn of the Global Economy that will deal with every panic from 1720 forward and dive deeply into the global economy during the 20th century through the formation of the Federal Reserve, Confiscation of Gold, Hyperinflation in Germany and Eastern Europe, the rise of […]

Capital Flows

  Introduction The Evolution of the Global Economy The economy is like a child. It grows, matures and evolves. Perhaps the greatest problem we face in attempting to reform our political-economy and move forward, has been the assumption that we are in control. We only to see things in our domestic political-economy and make our […]