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Everyone Trades According to their Base Currency

The problem both analysts and government have is they view the world only through the same looking glass relating everything to the domestic economy in dollars alone. But investors buy and sell internationally according to their own base currency – the one profits are measured and in which they are taxed. You can’t tell the […]

NSA was wiretapping Judges & Congress

More allegations against the NSA are coming up as simply unbelievably intrusive into everything.  You have to wonder what the hell is going on in Washington/Virginia. This is part of the Public v Private shift in confidence. People are starting to realize that there are some very paranoid people in the NSA and they really […]

The Accomplishment of AI – Not Market Manipulation

COMMENT: The turn on the Euro was spot on.   Advice on the Yen/ Dollar   was also spot on.   Please give us some updates on the DOW though The best to you and your staff for all your hard work ANSWER: No body on a personal level can possibly pick so many turning […]

Notice to Attempted Breakin

Everyday now it appears that someone from the USA has a full time job trying to breakin to this site. They are bouncing IPs around the world desperately trying to change the content on this site. We believe it’s origin is the firms in NYC. This has also taken the form of a physical breakin […]

German TV Exposes – Goldman Sachs – a bank ruling the world

Goldman Sachs – a bank ruling the world  The decline and fall of New York City as the financial capital of the world losing that distinction to London with Hong Kong nipping at its heal for 2nd place, the corruption within NYC is tainting the image of the United States right down to the Presidency. […]

Switzerland Show Some Guts At Last

Legislation that would have ended the Swiss banking laws and handed everything to the USA was defeated in a recent vote. The secrecy laws was put in place in 1934 to protect the Jews and Germans from Hitler who attempted the same thing making it criminal for a German to have an offshore account. The […]

ICIJ Has done far more damage to the World Economy That Anyone Realized These Journalists are basically communists. Their view of “integrity” that everyone should pay their taxes rather than looking at the corruption in government that is causing widespread rise in taxes that is fueling the economic decline and rising unemployment is just astonishing. Britain is now moving to shut down all offshore tax havens. In […]

NSA is Impacting Everything – Mass Migration Underway

The number of companies and people moving out of the USA to safe servers outside the country is skyrocketing. Many are discovering the safe haven for internet systems is now Switzerland being outside the USA and EU both who cannot be trusted because they are hunting money not terrorists. Additionally, Google has cooperated […]

Sorry – Its Just Gibberish

QUESTION: The economist Robert Wiedemer, author of the New York Times best-selling book Aftershock, has forecasted that unemployment will rise to 50%, the stock market will crash by 90%, and the annual inflation will hit 100% starting in 2013. What is your view on this scenario? ANSWER: Gibberish. Pure insanity. This is the same thing as […]

United Stasi of America

The thing I find truly astonishing is just when you think the US press could not possibly sink any further, they amazingly find even a lower level. It took the Guardian in Britain to expose the NSA in the USA. It took the American press 30 seconds to discover Snowden’s girlfriend. The images of Snowden’s […]