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The Coming 2014 Expropriation of 10% of Everyone’s Accounts

Anyone who thinks it is a fantasy that government will simply just confiscate 10% of everyone’s accounts in Europe better have another look at the fool they see in the mirror staring back at them. This IMF solution is traditionally French and is really coming because the people in charge are effectively Marxists and this […]

Pravada Predicts Russia will Restore Soviet Union by 2025

Russian Pravda is reporting that the Soviet Union will be resurrected by 2025. The truth about this, unfortunately, Europe is collapsing because of the socialism and the destruction of any future for the youth. Pravda this time is actually not spitting out wild propaganda. Russia will rise and become a very formidable power even on […]

Year End Closing Numbers

  Year-End 2013 Number   The Year 2013 has been a great year for equities and a rough year for commodities. Gold has put in its worst performance since 1981 while the Nikkei has put in its best performance since 1972. As we look ahead, 2014 will begin the rise in Civil Unrest that will […]

What Kind of Trader is Trading

COMMENT: Trading: I cannot do stock trading on the exchange as I will always loose.Trading is a zero sum business if you include seller, buyer and bank/broker fees.I believe that the winner on trading are the banks and the brokers. I believe that “Naked” trading and speculation by the big banks has ruined the free market and […]

Shots Fired at German Ambassador In Athens

Shots were fired in Athens at the residence of the German Ambassador reported by the BBC. This is what is tearing Europe apart. The IDEA of a New World Order will never work because there are still cultural differences and one government will not prevent war. They never heard of Civil War I suppose. Germany […]

Lebanon 1982 – The First War The Computer Predicted On its Own

QUESTION: hi Marty i follow  your work constantly and try to apply it to the best of both my ability and understanding of the material you present. in the 80s i was still a university student in Lebanon , and at that time the Lebanese Lira was rapidly losing value, luckily my dad bought USD […]

The Coming French Revolution?

They do not intentionally need to destroy the economy, they are doing a great job on their own without even trying. The French Constitutional Court has approved Hollande’s 75% tax on all people earning more than 1 million euros. They just do not understand the economy and never will. Those who are so desperate to […]

Collapsing the Economy Makes No Sense

COMMENT: So government has no interest in collapsing the economy, but they do in collapsing the Twin Towers as you intimated?  We’re all a bit looney in our own way I guess. JC REPLY: Follow the money. 911 expanded their power and got rid of an investigation into $2.3 trillion missing money at the Pentagon […]

FEMA Camps – The Real Issues

A number of questions have come in regarding the FEMA camps and is the collapse in gold and silver part of some orchestrated economic collapse that is being planned by the bankers of Wall Street with the oversight of the White House and the full knowledge of the Justice Department. I am certainly not a […]

Simply Running A Correlation On One Theory Produces False Positives

The study of Professor Miles Corak is being used to justify more Socialism to support the argument as proof positive that the American Dream has failed. The American Dream has been defined as economic freedom and in this light it is rooted in Adam Smith and Laissez-faire  economics. It is essentially Equality of Opportunity that remains as the […]