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The Future of the Democrats – A New Age of Socialism to Exploit Everyone Else?

QUESTION: It seems that the Democratic Party is turning really socialist. The DNC Chair Tom Perez said the Socialist Ocasio-Cortez is the “future of our party” and it seems they just ignore the socialist path in places like France which you pointed out their stock market peaked back in 2000 and has not participated in the […]

The Future The Good and the Bad

  COMMENT: Good morning Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for your service to Mankind! I look forward to seeing you and Vicky again in Orlando. I was reading your Blog on stem cells and felt compelled to send you the attached. … One other item of note; one of my other clients had their boat seized in […]

Where The Future Looks Bright

QUESTION: Do you think stem cell research will be the next advance in medicine? KW ANSWER: It is a shame that much is misunderstood and has been driven offshore.  So many people think Stem Cells are taken from dead babies. They are gathered from the umbilical cord but can be extracted from your teeth or even […]

How Do We Really Forecast the Future?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It is obvious that you have indeed been behind the curtain for your knowledge of even global politics is amazing. Kim Jong Un is here in Beijing. You said he would back down. You said the risk of war lies in the Middle East, not Korea. Your model calls the markets. You […]

The Way to the Future – Cryptos Move Over

The Maldives has introduced what may become the next innovation. Maldives Immigration has introduced a new type of ID card that replaces your credit card, passport, drivers license and healthcare insurance card all wrapped up in one. The next step will be to put this on a biochip and insert it into your skin so […]

Opening the Door to the Future – Machine Learning

QUESTION: Hello Martin Question for you – I want to start to learn AI. I can only trust you and hence want to ask you what should be my 1st steps in learning AI in the right way. I have seen a lot of garbage AI in the hedge fund world that claims to be AI but is not […]

Artificial Intelligence & the Future

A number of people have asked about Elon Musk’s reference to us already being cyborgs and the possibility of humans being transformed into house cats dominated by Artificial Intelligence. Despite his reputation, his thoughts seem jumbled. I have been involved in developing AI since the 1970s. In coding the Socrates systems, I have not found […]

The Dow & the Future

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I am fascinated by what you have accomplished in this model. You mentioned in your post about the Orlando conference a slingshot and phase transition, and I am trying to comprehend what that would look like exactly. Is that to say the DJIA won’t complete its advance from 2015.75 to 2018,but that […]

The Dow & The Future – May 1st, 2017

The closing for April in the Dow Jones Industrial Index was very interesting to say the least. The closing at 20940.51 was just under our numbers defining bullish indicators – 20770-20975. This tends to suggest we are not breaking-out just yet and the turning point to watch has been the week of May 8th. If we […]

Google’s New Flying Car & the Future Could Be So Much Britighter

I found what I want for Christmas – Google’s prototype for a flying car. It would be really nice if we could ban all people from government who have zero experience in the real world who love to be career politicians to tell the rest of us what to do. Then we need to take […]