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ECB Begins Buying Corporate Bonds

The European Central Bank (ECB) will start buying corporate bonds on June 8. This will broaden Quantitative Easing by expanding it to a new asset class in a desperate struggle against deflation. The Governing Council meeting in Vienna maintained the refinancing rate at zero and the deposit rate at -0.4 percent as a component of its […]

The Bond Crisis & 2015.75

Some people have wrongly expected a crash in the long bonds. What has actually happened is that China and others have sold into the high, liquidating their long bonds, and moving short-term. This is why rates are negative on the short-end. The CRASH comes in the opposite direction this time. Why? Because the central banks […]

Brazil’s Credit Rating Cut to Junk Bond Status

S&P cut Brazil’s rating to BB-plus, the highest junk rating, from BBB-minus. The Sovereign Debt Crisis is unfolding right on time.

CalPERS – Buying the High in Bonds? Oh Boy.

CalPERS, California Pension Plan for government workers, is adopting policies that demonstrate that they are incapable of managing money. They cannot handle the “volatility” in stocks so they are moving into bonds, and whatever shortfall they produce should be made up with higher taxes. If you are in California, my condolences. This is a strategy […]

Krugman: Debt is Good & No Bubble in Bonds

Back in May of 2013, Paul Krugman said there was no bubble in bonds. Now he is back saying that debt is good and there is not enough of it. So just what is going on in his head? Of course, the hyperinflationists will point to all sorts of things and predict the end of society is near because of debt. We obviously […]

The End of Bonds? Look Out Below 2015.75

Since 1985, I have warned that the Big Bang was coming 2015.75. Here is the slide from our 1998 World Economic Conference (WEC). This target is the culmination of 51.6 years from the first break in the Bretton Woods Monetary system – 1964.15. So what was 1964.15? That was the end of silver coinage. The […]

The European Bond Crash

The turmoil in the European bond market has demonstrated that the theory interest rates will not rise and are in control of central banks is dead wrong. Despite the ECB’s policy to buy in government debt to inject cash into the markets, one would think that the bonds would have a firm floor of support. The […]

Alternative Bonds

I have received a lot of emails about how the gold bugs have now adopted the ECM date for the turn in gold and how governments are planning to roll out alternative financing of debt. India plans to issue a gold backed bond, and last Wednesday the state of Saxony-Anhalt issued its first dollar bond […]

Creating the Bond Bubble – Role of the Stock Market

All over the place they are touting that the stock market will crash and burn. Indeed, when you say there is a coming crash, everyone immediately assumes that means the stock market. It appears that the bulk of those who claim to be analysts are all proclaiming the coming stock market crash. This is typical […]

Beware of Government Bonds

COMMENT: Dear Martin, Thank you for all you do, you are really great! Looking for the exact day of default for Greece in Wikipedia I stepped into a monumental article where I could not find any reference to a default, but only an endless epic of efforts to avoid default. “On 21 February 2012 the Euro […]