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Religion & Climate Change & 2037

Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570 AD during the reign of Justin II (565-578AD). He was born 34 years after 536 AD when a mysterious cloud appeared over the Mediterranean basin. The Byzantine historian Procopius wrote: “The sun gave forth its light without brightness and it seemed exceedingly like the sun in eclipse, for […]

The Climate Change Conspiracy to Destroy & Rebuild the Economy in their Vision

The United Nations’ Green CClimate Fund wrote: “The COVID-19 pandemic and the global response required to stem it shows the importance of acting together to solve unparalleled threats to people and our planet. The far-reaching impacts of COVID-19 are a stark reminder of the catastrophic implications the world faces if we don’t.” Spot crude has […]

Climate Change & Do we Use Less CO2 than Romans to Light our Homes?

COMMENT: Marty; the Greta worshipers are really brain-dead. We just set a 77-year record low on Valentine’s Day and they say that proves its climate change caused by man. When you try to have an intelligent conversation, they simply say every scientist agrees with them. They are brainwashed beyond belief. The entire theory of CO2 […]

Punxsutawney Phil’s Groundhog Weather Predictions Beats UN’s Climate Change Forecasts

  QUESTION: have you ever tested Punxsutawney Phil‘s predictions of spring with your forecasts? how often was he correct? TT REPLY: The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club has kept track of  Punxsutawney Phil’s predictions. Actually, his forecasts have been far better than the climate change/global warming crowd who said snow would cease to exist and we should […]

Wheat & Climate Change

COMMENT: Hello Mr. Armstrong, Thank you very much for all you do for us little people. I am a Basic member just trying to move my 401K in and out of the markets to try to make a little extra for retirement. Unfortunately I can only make a move once a month. Here is today’s temperature […]

Climate Change & the Inability of Rational Thought

COMMENT: Marty; I find it really interesting how people try to pretend you are wrong and claim it is warm where they are or because of some fluke one day high in the Antarctic. It seems to me these people are the lowest on the totem pole and are not very bright.  They are incapable […]

Religious & Climate Change (Part I)

QUESTION: Good morning Mr. Armstrong! Thanks for always opening our eyes! Could you please explain to me what natural phenomenon of cataclysmic proportions could alter the world and even change religion and who and how would they benefit today? What role should universities play in this scenario? What and how should we teach in classrooms […]

The Climate Change – Al Gore & Jennifer Morgan’s Fraud

All of the data that these climate activists have been using is an absolute fraud. It is untrue that 97% of scientists agree to any of this nonsense. They create that myth to then bully scientists who dare disagree with their agenda. This is actually criminal behavior and the agenda is Marxism behind the entire […]

97% Scientists Do Not Agree with Climate Change or the Solution

In 2009, the University of Illinois sent a survey online to about 10,000 scientists with the following two questions: QUESTION #1 Do you agree that global temperatures have generally risen since the pre-1800s? QUESTION #2 Do you think that human activity is a significant contributing factor? Only 3146 responses were received of 10,000, and of […]

Climate Change & the 2020 ECM Turning Point

The climate change propaganda has become a major economic factor which is undermining the global economy and lowering the standard of living for the average person. Governments have embraced it simply because it is the perfect excuse to raise taxes. It is causing separatist movements such as in Alberta, Canada to the civil unrest in […]