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Yes, More Electors Abandoned Hillary in the Electoral College

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I really do not understand this electoral college in the United States. Why does the popular vote not count? Then I heard that more electors abandoned Hillary rather than Trump. Thank You from European Disneyland JH ANSWER: It is very simple. The EU has member states and each is really its own […]

Clinton Donors Want to Investigate How Hillary Spent $1.5 Billion in Campaign Donations

Clinton’s fallout is interestingly causing an internal revolution among Hillary’s big donors. At her New York bash to “thank” her big donors of $1 million or more, she took no blame and pointed the finger at Comey and Putin. Her spin did not work and she has lost a lot of credibility according to confidential […]

Obama Contradicts Clapper & Hillary – OOPS!

Hillary told her donor base at Manhattan’s Plaza Hotel last Thursday that Russian cyber attacks were both “a personal beef against me” and meant to undermine “the integrity of our democracy.” Of course, absent from the speech was anything realistic acknowledging that there is a global trend against corruption that is unfolding worldwide. Hillary will blame […]

Hillary Blames Huma Abedin for E-mail Scandal

The Clintons will never accept responsibility for anything. Now they are blaming Huma Abedin for the Hillary’s lost election. Vanity Fair reported that one campaign insider commented, “[Abedin] was enjoying the red carpet and enjoying the photo spreads much too much in my opinion. She enjoyed being a celebrity too much.” Obama blamed Putin for revealing the truth about the […]

The Trump & Hillary Parodies


Obama was in on Hillary’s Emails Huma Abedin Tells FBI

What is really disturbing is just how far politics has fallen. The FBI released Huma Abedin 302, or the notes on her interview with the FBI. It is becoming painfully clear why Obama would never indict Hillary and may provide her a pardon to protect himself. Abedin told FBI agents she “had to tell the […]

Hitler – Hillary Was Supposed to Win

Hillary Exposed – Australia Withdraws Donation for Hillary’s Pay-to-Play Scheme

For all the fools who supported Hillary claiming her Foundation was not illegal and doing good, Now Australia, who donated $75 million to the Clintons tax free has joined Norway cutting their donations. All government will withdraw their support for Hillary’s foundation because it was just corruption – pay to play. Hillary even had the […]

Foreign Governments Cutting off Funding for Hillary

Hillary supporters claimed that the Clinton Foundation was an innocent, “charitable” organization. On his proposed first day to “Drain the Swamp,” Trump will impose a LIFETIME BAN ON LOBBYING FOR FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS. Numerous foreign governments handed money to the Clintons purely for “influence.” The corruption with Norway’s link to the Clinton Foundation extended to Obama. This […]

If the Electoral College Voted for Hillary

  The proposal that the Electoral College should have voted for Hillary, thereby undermining the Constitutional structure of state v federal rights, was very serious. It demonstrates just how corrupt her followers can be willing to destroy everything to force their way upon the whole. This proposal would have destroyed the entire Constitution, and Hillary would have […]