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Trump & the Risk of an Indictment

  QUESTION #1: Marty, What is going on over there in America? It looks like the country has completely lost its mind. Indicting Trump over such a stupid thing when our politicians over here have open mistresses and in France, you have the head of state who married his high school teacher. How about Berlusconi […]

Censoring Social Media to Prevent Bank Runs

They censored social media to prevent the public from learning the truth about COVID, vaccines, and accompanying mandates. They censored social media to prevent the public from learning about Hunter Biden’s laptop before his dad could be installed at the POTUS. They censored anyone who questioned the election or Biden’s crime family and deliberately leaked […]

US is Losing Another War – Ukraine

The United States has launched a proxy war, unconstitutionally, circumventing Congress and the American people no less the entire world. What must be understood, is that the Biden Administration, the puppet of the Neocons led now by Victoria Nuland, has brought the entire world to the brink of World War III and they have now […]

The Coming Revolution – The End of Brazil

  The leftist press immediately claims that any assertions of a rigged election in Brazil are as baseless as the Hunter Biden laptop. Our model shows that the election was in fact bogus and it was in a series of global elections that are being rigged to create this global leftist agenda. For any newspaper […]

Treason from The Deep State?

  I have received a lot of emails asking why just five days after the New York Post revealed the Hunter Biden laptop story that went all the way to the top involving his father, now President Biden, the former CIA Director John Brennan, and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper announced on October […]

2022 Year-End Report

As we approach year-end for 2022, we will look at the various key markets to gain a sense of what the future will bring. We are clearly headed into a chaotic period and in the United States, now that the Republicans control the House, that is where the fun lies and it will be retribution […]

Merkel Admits Minsk Agreement was to Trick Russia

Merkel has basically said that the Minsk Agreement was to buy time for Ukraine to build up its army and never was there any intention of allowing the Russians in the Donbas to vote on their own future. Merkel admitted that they negotiated in bad faith with Putin simply to allow Ukraine time to fortify […]

TIME Names Zelensky Man of the Year as they Did with Hitler & Stalin

Time Magazine is so left it simply is beyond their imagination to ever just be down the middle. They have named Zelensky Man of the Year and he will start World War III while they also had named Adolf Hitler in 1938 Man of the Year and then had to cancel him in 1945 and […]

How Mainstream Media is Destroying the United States

It is becoming clear day by day why the mainstream media has been so against Elon Musk buying Twitter for as they say in law enforcement, there is a “Blue Code” where cops do not rat on cops and the same is true about judges. Mainstream media is so LEFT it has forgotten how to […]

There is Nobody Coming on a White Horse to Save the Day

QUESTION: Marty, this was my first WEC. I had already met so many people and made friendships that the trip alone was worth it. I also found it interesting that you said nobody is coming in on a white horse from the Republican Party to save us. That struck me for you are really middle-of-the-road […]