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Is Gates Thinning the Heard with a Food Crisis?

Biden is now paying farmers not to grow crops and was perhaps directed by Bill Gates, who has become the biggest farmland holder in the USA. The risk of starvation around the world is rising. The real question is very dark. Is this part of Gates’ idea on how to reduce the population? Perhaps Warren […]

Crisis of the 70s Compared to the 20s

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Your post today on inflation(when people see it coming) reminds me how things have changed from the 1970s. Then, the inflation we saw came from oil rising(Opec raising prices), unions demanding wage increases, and currencies untethered to the abandoned Bretton Woods agreement. Governments then seemed clueless how to stem this rise, with interest […]

Border Control Crisis

There are now 13,000+ children in custody at the border. This is the mess that was created by the Democrats bashing Trump all the time, so they painted themselves into a corner where they had to take the opposite position that has led to a major order crisis. The Border Patrol Agents are under a […]

Biden Gets the Immigration Crisis he so Richly Deserves

The Democrats blamed Trump for everything possible with immigration. Now the rumor is that anyone in the USA under Biden will simply be granted citizenship. What is going on now is the problem of unaccompanied children crossing the border has exceeded all-time highs. Border Patrol agents are now reporting a dramatic surge in the numbers […]

Canada 2021 Report Now Available in the Store

The 2021 Canadian Report is now available. We have gone into the clever change in the law that Trudeau pulled off to allow him to cancel the currency at his discretion as of January 1, 2021. He did withdraw the legal tender status of various notes that are still out there. You can take them […]

There are Many Reports from Around the World of People Becoming Seriously Ill After the Vaccine

There are way too many people suffering from serious side-effects from these vaccines. There is a lot of information coming out about these vaccines, which have been pushed out without proper testing because this was a manufactured political emergency. Thirty people died after being vaccinated in Norway, prompting international concern outside the USA of course. […]

The Sovereign Debt Crisis


This is a special report going over the Sovereign Debt Crisis which is upon us and its timing. We look at the various times governments have defaulted and the outcomes as well as the causes. There have also been partial defaults where you may have the short-term paper that is suddenly converted to long-term. There have been wars over debt and gunboat diplomacy. It is important to understand why we are going through a major economic change. Governments have been borrowing since World War II with absolutely no intention of paying anything off. This is now all coming to a head and how the government become much more authoritarian is key to understanding why this is happening and what we need to do to grasp the future for ourselves.

The Energy Crisis During the Panic of 1873

Humans are not the only species to get viruses. A real energy crisis hit the United States that began in 1872 and expanded into 1873, which contributed to the Panic of 1873.  This was a flu virus they called distemper that shut down the US economy by infecting horses. It was in 1872 that the […]

The Corona Crisis Update

As the nation begins to open back up, many are optimistic that the markets will turn back to normal. While numerous cities adopt a phased approach to gatherings that people assume will allow businesses to reopen but with restricted attendee limits, they are not looking closely at the details. Many people who applied for unemployment […]

Reports are that the Swiss Also Locked Up A doctor for being Against the Coronavirus Fraud

Stories are coming from Switzerland that a doctor, Thomas Binder, who has spoken out against the coronavirus fraud was arrested. It has been reported that he was brutally attacked by a Swiss SWAT team in his medical practice. He was arrested and taken to a psychiatric institution. Anyone who speaks out against the coronavirus is […]