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The Euro for Month-End April 2017

The Euro turning point on our Weekly Models still points to the week of May 8th. As we can see technically, the Euro is well below the Monthly Downtrend Line which stands significantly above the market at 12622. There is no real chance of a reversal in the protracted long-term decline. We really need a […]

Italy to Raise Taxes to Satisfy Brussels – Why the Euro Will Fail

  The European Union (EU) has been pushing Italy for a very long time to reduce its deficit. Of course, governments are never capable of reducing their own expenditure. This results going in only one direction – raising taxes. Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni had to agree on the concrete measures. The bill is now being discussed […]

The Fate of the Euro

QUESTION: The bounce in the Euro is a fool’s’ game? ANSWER: Absolutely. The Euro is doomed because especially if Le Pen loses, Brussels will be relieved and proceed as usual. The same problems will merely exist and no reform will come forward to save the day. A good wind will blow over the European banking […]

The Euro – Up or Down?

The overwhelming view within Europe is that the dollar is about to make a big move to the downside. We warned that the dollar would decline basically to retest the uptrend line. Failing to get through that technical level and bouncing off it, is technically a very bearish signal for the Euro – not the […]

The Euro Crisis & The Previous Debt

QUESTION: Hello Martin, I understand and agree to what you are saying in your post however I cannot understand what you mean when you say that: “Secondly, leaving all individual member states with past debt yet converted that to euro, then resulted in their debts doubling in international value as the euro doubled going into 2008.” […]

The Euro & the Pending Bounce

While Europe is certainly not turning bullish, what we do see is a bounce due to the fundamental focus of the pending US debt ceiling battle looming on the horizon. Naturally, the press will be blaming Trump so we should be prepared for headlines like US going to default. The press will use this incident […]

Draghi & ECB Want to Regulate British Banks doing biz in the Eurozone

The ECB is living itself in La La Land. It is demanding that British Banks wishing to do business inside the Eurozone after BREXIT must obtain a license. While this is the same type of requirement for any foreign bank seeking to do business in the USA, the idea that the ECB wants to make […]

The Euro Crisis – Dow & Gold

The rumors are flying in France and the conservative candidate Fillon denounces a probe now into corruption. Fillon now vows to fight on to the end – not good for he has placed himself above the country making this personal. His top aide just resigned and Fillon was summoned to appear before investigators on March 15 to […]

European Bonds – The Hedge Against the Euro Collapse?

(Note: The blue labels mark the change in the issues we used to create this perpetual index for long bonds) Germany sold 10-year debt at a negative yield on Wednesday of last week, becoming the first Eurozone nation to do so and setting a further milestone in the relentless fall of government bond yields around […]

The Euro on the Brink of Disaster

  We are looking at the collapse of Europe unfold much faster than anyone suspected. I have been warning that the Continental EU banks are in serious trouble. The negative interest rates have devastated Europe. While trying to stimulate borrowers who are not interested without an opportunity to make money, the ECB has wiped out […]