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Why Would Poland Ever Support Ukraine?

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong. I am from Poland and I know the history and our differences with Russia, but in this war, I’m against Ukraine. They don’t even want to apologize for atrocities committed on civilians but want us to help them. The west of Ukraine was always Polish but in our mind, it no […]

Kissinger Sells Out on Ukraine?

QUESTION: Martin, what do you have to say about Kissinger now? I am sure many want to know. AP ANSWER: Well I had hoped that Henry could have made it to the WEC this year. I think it would have been a very interesting discussion between the two of us. I am well aware of […]

Ukraine & Fake News

  COMMENT: Marty, I am impressed. Your contacts are unsurpassable. You put out two months ago that Ukraine lost 100,000 soldiers. Some did not believe you. It turns out that was classified information. Ursula von der Leyen, the head of the EU, had released a video and then edited it deleting that very information at […]

We Must Stop Funding Ukraine in its Ethnic Cleansing

After months in Ukraine training soldiers, Ret Col Andrew Milburn of @TheMozartGroup mercenary firm gets sauced on camera & spills the beans: Ukraine is a "corrupt, fucked-up society" run by "fucked-up people" Ukrainian soldiers "kill dudes who surrendered," commit "atrocities" — Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) December 26, 2022 Everything he says I have confirmed from […]

Ukraine Supporters & Denial of History

UN Agreement Ukraine 1994 I apologize, the proposal began in 1991 for Russia to join NATO. But the final agreement with respect to Ukraine’s nukes was not in Belgrade but in Budapest. History has been rewritten to support the war against Russia for climate change. I have never seen any account of history that reports […]

Ukraine & Fake News

QUESTION: Sir, Discussing Ukraine with a friend, I brought up the Belgrade Agreement of 1991. Searching the internet I found one article besides your blog spot that references it. I couldn’t find it. Do you have a copy? Censorship at its finest. Keep up the good work. DK   ANSWER: That is really unbelievable. The agreement […]

House Republicans Demand Audit of Ukraine Funding

It is heartbreaking to see these disabled Ukrainian soldiers here in the halls of Congress being used as pawns to pressure our Congress to give American’s hard earned tax dollars to Zelensky.I’m calling for an audit of funds to Ukraine and to fund and secure our border. — Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene?? (@RepMTG) November […]

Article 5 Against Ukraine?

COMMENT: Ukraine attacked Poland. Does this not make Ukraine an enemy now since they struck  a nato country? REPLY: That would certainly be a plot twist. It would never happen since the agenda is to go to war with Russia. Zelensky did not immediately apologize to Poland for killing two Polish citizens, as he was […]

The West MUST Abandon Ukraine & Force Peace

Zelensky is trying to put pressure on Poland to declare it was a Russian Missile because Ukraine is losing the war despite all the fake news he has been promoting. The Polish deputy foreign minister, Arkadiusz Mularczyk, said in an interview with Radio 24 that “there has been great pressure” and stressed that, if it […]

Ukraine False Flag?

Information is surfacing that we may be dealing with another Ukrainian desperate attempt to create World War III and that the missiles fired were from Ukraine. This is not yet verified but the US is now saying the missile attack is not yet confirmed to be from Russia. It would be nice if the West […]